aftermath hjawgb

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yes yes im sorry im back shuddup.. and does anyone have any story ideas jwww and tw: swearing and again happieness 




                                                                             wilbursss povvv

i woke up, i had forgotten that i was on the roof of some apartment block but slowley snapped back into reality. i stood up stumbling everywhere i wanted to die right there right then my head was pounding and i felt like the hangover defeated me. i reached for my bag which had paracetamol in i took two tablets and put my glasses on "atleast i can see now" i angrily mumbled to myself i didnt want to get that drunk but i did. i saw lani and elliee sat up on there phones cuddling "hey you two" "hey will." they both replied sharply "what h-happened last night?" "you got fuckin wasted" elliee said while trying not to laugh "stfu, did tubbo let you drink in the end?" (no i do not support underage drinking its just for the fic) "yeah he did but only apple sours so it wasnt too bad" "ahh okay, what else happened?" "that." lani pointed to tubbo and ranboo laying down on the chair cuddling fast asleep "there oblivious of there own love. arent they" "yep" lani said while taking a picture of them "that will help with blackmail Oh and so will this!" lani showed me a video of ranboo placing his hand on tubbos thigh and then the video skipped to tubbos face. it was bright red "thats- fun" is all i could get myself to say i wanted to laugh so bad but i didnt want to wake everyone up

                                                                   TiMe sKiPpErOonYyYyY

                                                             lanis povvvv (the queen herselfffffffffff)

by now everyone was awake, well apart from tubbo and ranboo they were still fast asleep it was funny everyone was plotting a way to wake them up and get them both flustered. in the end we decided that the good old water trick would work nobody apart from elliee dared to ever wake both of them up so we gave the water too elliee and she walked over and instead of pouring the water on them slowley splashed it on them like it had started raining. slowley ranboo had started to wake up he got flustered and coverd his face but got over it he shooed elliee "he's still sleeping fuck off!" he said in a quiet voice "we want to go home!" i said "alright alright give me a sec" ranboo lifted tubbo onto the seat next to him ranboo stood up and then picked tubbo back up but bridal style tubbo nuzzled his head into ranboos chest still fast asleep. he carried him down the steps and put him into the car and put the seatbelt on him got into the drivers seat and drove off "isnt tubbos room still in repair?" ranboo said out of the blue "uhh yeah it is acctually!" i said (if you are wondering the time lets say its just like 11:00am) "alright well ill drop you two of at yours lani and tubs can sleep in my room for a bit" "alright, and ranboo its obveous" "whats.. obveous?" ranboo said genuinley confused "nothing" elliee said as she hit me 

                                                                TiMe SkIpPpPppPpPpPeRoOoOnNyuyYy

                                                                         RANBOOS POVVVVV

We got back and i gave lani the keys to her and tubbos house and carried tubbo into mine i placed him in my bed he looked so peacefull but i was still tired so i got into this

We got back and i gave lani the keys to her and tubbos house and carried tubbo into mine i placed him in my bed he looked so peacefull but i was still tired so i got into this

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climbed into bed put an arm around tubbo and fell asleep

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climbed into bed put an arm around tubbo and fell asleep.


yes im back again hellooo uhh dont rlly knw what to put here other than were nearly at ONE THOUSEND views like thats insane kjglwsdhgeu okayyy adiosssss

word countttt: 658

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