Movie Night :))

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Nobody's POV

They got into the house and ranboo sprinted up the stairs and got changed into his pj's, tubbo walked into the kitchen and put the bag on the side then followed ranboo upstairs to get changed. ranboo got changed first and went down stairs and sat on the sofa like tubbo told him to do he waited patiently for tubbo to get changed and bring the snacks, tubbo got a blanket and sat on the sofa with a few bowls of popcorn and the rest of the snacks, tubbo said "i didn't know what popcorn you liked so i got all of them" "yea that's fine tubs i like all of them anyway, but what have you got planned i want to know" ranboo replied very eagerly,  tubbo said "calm down boo what movie do you want to watch?" as he picked up the remote for the TV ranboo didn't know what to say as he was put on the spot " uhh.. the new Spiderman!" ranboo blurted out as it was the first thing to come into his head "ooo yess I've been waiting to watch that" said tubbo, tubbo searched it and clicked on it ready to watch when ranboo said "so what's your plan then? why did you think of this?" "well you did something for me so i thought movie night in, is it alright?" tubbo said, ranboo responded "yea it's cool, uhh.. you know when i took you out it was kinda a date right?" ,tubbo looked ranboo in the eye and said "really? i didn't realise, thanks boo" with a smile ranboo replied saying "yea, are your cool with it being a date? i know it wasn't much but i liked hanging out with you" tubbo smiled back and said "of course, i loved it!" they were both a little red in the face but ranboo said "okay cool" and they both turned to the TV and started watching it.

time skip to about half way through the film

They were both getting a little tired but still awake enough to finish watching the film and tubbo started moving closer to ranboo to cuddle him kind of? he rested his head on ranboos shoulder and soon after ranboo placed his head gently onto tubbo's, tubbo's hand was wrapped around ranboos stomach and they were sat comfortably watching the film  until they heard thunder outside, it scared them both a little and made them jump, ranboo lifted hi s head and said "what the heck it was so nice weather earlier what's going on?" tubbo turned slightly to look up at ranboo and said "sounds like a storm might hit, i guess that's Britain for you, one minute it nice and the other its sh*t" they both giggled and ranboo just said "yea i guess, i just hope it doesn't mess with the signal or internet I'm really into this film lol" tubbo hummed in response and they carried on watching the film grabbing a handful of popcorn every now and again. it was getting late and its around 1-2 am now and they are both very tired, the film was almost finished and they were both slowly drifting off to sleep.  The film finished and they both sat up slightly to re adjust their seating positioning , when tubbo said in a very tired voice "boo i don't feel like going upstairs tonight can we just sleep on the sofa?" ranboo said in response "yea that's fine tubs are you sure we will both fit tho?" "yea we should if we just move the back cushions over there" they moved the cushions and layed down ranboo on the inside and tubbo on the outside with tubbo's arm around ranboo and ranboos arm under tubbos neck/head, after turning off the TV and turning on a small light so it wasn't too dark, they layed cuddled like that for a while before they both drifted off into sleep.


hey guys would just like to say thank you for reading this and sorry for the short chapters recently :))    word count -740

credit to @Takita_xo    thank you guys for reading this and remember to DRINK WATER AND EAT FOOD!! take care of yourself guys and have a good night/day thank you again :))

heyy uhh its chloe this shit is good and uhh sorry i haven't been updating i wasn't rlly in de mood heh 

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