Part 8 | Helmet

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"Miss L/n, a meeting has been called in the living room regarding a new mission."

Friday's voice came down from the ceiling as you closed your book and teleported to the lounge.

"What is it?" You asked, walking over to stand beside Loki. He looked down at you, eyebrows raised.

"You're quite small" he stated, smirking when you rolled your eyes.

"I'm half elf, obviously I'm small, we all are. Back home I'm like, 6'4" you answered, looking up at him.

"That's ironic, because last time I checked I was 6'4 and you seem to be nowhere near my height" he replied, earring a glare from you.

"Ever thought that maybe you're just super tall?" You grumbled.

He chuckled. "Yes, I have thought that."

"Alright you two stop flirting we have a mission" Tony interrupted.

"Stark, you are sorely mistaken. That was not flirting, that was just stating a fact" Loki replied.

"I doubt you even know what flirting is, no one's ever liked you enough" you added with a grin.

I'm married" he said, holding up his hand.

"Poor her" you and the God commented at the same time, turning to grin at each other.

"That's what I'll be saying about Y/n when you two get married" Bucky grinned.

"Bucket, I will considerably shorten your lifespan" you said, glaring at him.



"Alright, let's get this shit show on the road."

"Y/n! Language!"

You rolled your eyes, walking back into the lounge in your suit.

Your suit:

Looks like this but with more dark green

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Looks like this but with more dark green. I take no credit for this drawing, I only found it on the internet. Change if you want <3

"You look good in my brothers colours Lady Y/n" Thor said, laughing when you flipped him off.

"Shush Thor" Loki instructed, looking at you over his book.

"Aren't you coming Lokes?" You questioned.

Before he could answer, Tony spoke up. "No, reindeer games can stay here because we don't trust him."


"Y/n, he tried to take over the world!"

"I forgot about that."

Loki smiled at you, sending a little jolt through your heart.

"Why do you call him reindeer games?" Vision quizzed.

"Because of my traditional armour. My helmet has horns on it and Stark here think he's funny" Loki explained, rolling his eyes at the last part.

"Can I see it?" You asked excitedly.

In a shimmer of green his helmet appeared on his head.

You walked over, brushing your fingers over the cold metal. "It's amazing."

"Why does Lady Y/n get to touch it??" Thor whined. "When we were children you would zap me every time I tried it on!"

"Because I actually like her" Loki replied casually.


"Shut up Thor!"

"Y/n who's helmet is cooler?" Thor asked, giving you puppy dog eyes.

"I don't know Thor I haven't seen yours."

"Loki could you get my helmet please?"

Loki waved his hand, the head piece appearing in his hands.

"Thank you brother" he smiled, turning back to you as he placed it on his head. "So, who's is it?"


"Not fair!" he pouted.

"The star spangled man with a plan" you announced as Steve walked in, stealing Loki's helmet and putting it on your head.

"Y/n I told you not to say that anymore" Steve said, sighing.

"No can do Cap" you answered, attempting to position the helmet in a way that you could still see. "I hate being part elf" you grumbled.

"Why?" Wanda asked.

"Cause I want to be able to scare people! Do you really think a 5'1 female scares people? No! No one takes me seriously when we're on missions and the Midgardians are constantly asking me if I'm old enough to be out on my own! I only grow on my birthday each year!" You exclaimed, glaring at the ground.

Authors Note:
I'm not sure if this is true but let's say it is for the sake of the story. Also before you say I'm a short pick me girl, I'm not, I'm 5'7 irl lol

Pietro zoomed over, appearing beside you. "It's ok darling, I love short females" he said.

"THIS IS EXACTLY MY POINT!" You glared at him. "And don't call me darling."

"But you let Loki call you that!" He whined.

"Don't Pietro."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll cut your fucking nose off."

Pietro squealed and ran away, Wanda catching him by his collar before he could get too far.


"Don't worry darling, you may be short but you could beat Thor" he chuckled, gently taking the helmet off your head.

"No she couldn't!" Thor denied indignantly.

"Yes she could. Easily."

"I don't know about easily" you muttered, glancing over at the tall God of Thunder. "I may as well go run into a brick wall."

"Fine. Lady Y/n we are battling when we return from the mission."

"Well, if I'm going to die I may as well do it thoroughly" you shrugged. "Deal."

"We have to go now" Tony commented, walking into the room in his Ironman suit, everyone nodding and making their way out to the Quinjet.

You were about to leave when you felt a hand on your wrist. You spun around to see Loki right in front of you.

"Be careful" he whispered before disappearing in a shimmer of green.

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