Part 43 | Looking Mortal

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The sound of the tower intercom sounded through the living room later that day.

"Mr Stark, you have a message from reception" Friday announced.

"Please read it out."

"There is a woman here to speak to Mr Steve Rodgers."

"Let here up then. Thank you Friday."

"You're welcome Mr Stark. She's coming up now."

"I wonder who- oh no" Clint sighed, putting down the arrow he was polishing.

"Little bitch" Nat muttered, pushing herself up off the couch defensively.

"Of for fucks sake" you groaned as Sharon stepped out of the elevator. "Poss you off you witch. Wanda dear, please get the runes."

"Already on it" she replied, flicking through an ancient, hefty book. "Defensive spell or repelling rune?"

"Both. I'll get the herbs."

"Darling" Loki chuckled, grabbing your waist and pulling you back down onto the couch when you tried to get up. "As much as I dislike her, we don't yet know what she's here for."

"Steve, clearly" you answered. "Friday said so and I trust Friday."

"Thank you N/n" the AI commented

"Stop befriending my robot" Tony grumbled.

"Too late, now why the fuck are you here" you demanded to Sharon.

"I'm not here to talk to you bitch" she snapped, folding her arms. "I'm here to talk to Steve."

"Well bad luck, he's on a date."

"A date?!" She shrieked. "Why is he on date?!"

"Because he can be" Sam interjected angrily. "And now that you've been gone, somethings finally happened that's been long overdue."

"And what's that?" She snapped. "No, more importantly, who's he on a date with?!"

At that moment, the elevator doors slid over again, a laughing Steve and Bucky stepping out.

"Sharon" Steve sputtered in surprise, Bucky putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "What are you doing here?"

"You're gay??" She shouted, pointing an accusing finger at him. "What the hell?! Why were you dating me then?!"

"Because I hadn't figured it out!" He said angrily. "Because I didn't know how to tell you. Because you're a... bitch!"

"The old man finally swore" you smirked, giving him a round of applause. "Now blondie, you've been thoroughly rejected, so get out."

"Or what?"

"Or I'll add a permanent sticking charm to those awful pencil skirts you wear" Wanda commented from the circle of candles and various herbs she was setting up. "I highly doubt you want one of those ugly things stuck to you forever."

"Whatever" she scoffed, storming out again.

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out!" Bruce glared.

"Nope, let it smack you on the ass" Thor declared. "Is that how you say it?" He whispered to Sam, who gave him a thumbs up.

"What ass?" Nat snorted. "Don't come back witch."

"She was definitely adopted as child" Bucky sighed, quietly asking if Steve was okay.

"I turned alright" Loki smirked. "Mostly."

"I wish I was adopted sometimes" Pietro commented.

"That can be arranged" Wanda replied, helping you begin the rituals. "Later though, we're keeping Sharon out permanently."

"Don't do your witchy shit in my living room!" Tony complained.

"Shut up, I need moderate quiet" you interrupted with your eyes closed, floating cross-legged in the air opposite Wanda.


"She said she needs quiet, so shut up" Loki instructed, glaring at the billionaire.

The elevator doors opened again.

"I swear to the Norns- oh hello Mother" Thor greeted pleasantly.

"Hello Thor, how are you?" Frigga smiled pleasantly, giving him a hug. "Is your brother here?"

"Hello Mother" Loki smiled, standing up to greet her. "What are you doing here?"

"Can't a Mother visit her sons?" She questioned jokingly, hugging him tightly. "Hello dear."

"You're looking very mortal" he chuckled, smiling as she did a little twirl. "Well done."

"Had to fit in!" She grinned, showing off her dress pans and blouse. "Maybe I'll wear this around the castle. Now, what is that lovely wife of yours doing?"

"Hi Frigga" you smiled, not opening your eyes. "Sorry, give me one moment."

The Queen watched in amusement as you and Wanda mumbled runes, floating around each other in slow circles.

"So, I take it you two are doing fine?" She smiled as Loki watched you admiringly.

"Hm? Oh, yes" he smiled. "Much more than fine."

"All done!" Wanda announced, landing gracefully on the floor and standing up. "Sharon can no longer enter the tower."

"A dream come true" you grinned, stumbling slightly as you landed on your feet. "Seriously? I thought becoming a goddess would make me at least a little more graceful."

"Me too" Loki snickered as you poked him in the ribs.

"Hello sweetheart, how are you?" Frigga greeted happily, giving you a warm hug. "Banishing people from the tower I see?"

"She was homophobic!" You defended, holding your hands up in surrender. "It's nice to see you."

"Well then, that's completely justified then" she nodded. "Would you like to come to Asgard? I wanted to ask you and that lovely Wanda about your prophecies. I also wanted to help her with it. Must be intimidating having your life supposedly written out for you, poor thing."

"I'm sure she'd love that, I do my best to answer all her questions, but there's only so much I know" you replied. "I'll go get her."

"I love her" Frigga whispered to Loki, watching fondly as you opened a portal upstairs and stepped through it. "Where did she learn to do that?"

"That idiotic doctor" Loki sighed.

"The one who dropped you through consecutive portals for thirty minutes?" She smirked as Thor laughed.

"Correct" Loki answered, a small smile gracing his lips.She stole one of his books on eldritch magic and taught herself."

"Clever girl" she chuckled.


Guess what guys? I made my bed today, ate three full meals and did my homework😌 I haven't been this productive in ages

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