Part 64 | Judgement

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"WHY ARE THERE BULLET HOLES IN THE BATHROOM?!" Tony shouted, running into the room.

Everyone's gazes turned to you as you finished polishing your gun.

"There was a cockroach" you explained.



You rolled your eyes, waving your hand. "There, fixed. You're so dramatic."

"No shouting around the baby please!" Thor fretted, leaning down to check on her.

The God had barely moved from beside her little cradle, reluctant to let anyone other you, Loki and Frigga pick her up.

"Loki stop death staring the baby" you chuckled.

"It looked at me first."

"She'll do that, because she is a baby."

"Why is it looking at me??" He grumbled, glaring at Idun as her wide little eyes stared up at him.

Thor had deliberately placed the cradle between himself and his Brother for safety, something that Loki pretended to be annoyed about but in reality he wouldn't let anyone come too close.

"Because she a baby" you laughed, nudging him gently. "She's not threatening you Lokes."

"I don't know about that love, I think she might be."

A few hours later the rest of the team had left so Thor wouldn't get too worried, leaving yourself and Loki with him, Frigga and Jane who was in a deep sleep.

"What do I do? She won't stop crying!" Thor whispered stressfully. "She's been fed, changed, she slept, what else is there oh no oh no oh no-"

"Hey hey hey, calm down Thunder Man" you interrupted his nervous rambling. "She keeps looking at Loki, so let's just give her to him and see what happens."

The God of Mischief looked shocked. "No no darling, I don't what I'm supposed to do with her."

"You'll be fine" you reassured, picking up the crying child as Thor worried about waking Jane up or not. "Thor leave Jane to sleep, she needs it. Loki, please hold the baby."

He sighed, before nodding reluctantly. You carefully passed her to him, Idun immediately cuddling up on his shoulder as her cries subsided.

"Thank the Norns" Thor sighed in relief, smiling at his shocked Brother. "Thank you Loki, she already loves you."

Loki didn't answer, still looking stunned as Idun began to fall asleep peacefully as he held her gently.

"Alright Thunder Man, you need to go get some sleep" you directed, pushing him in the direction of the bed set up for him. "You've had a stressful day and it's late."

"But the baby- Jane-"

"We'll look after it" you insisted. "Get some sleep. This is why you bring family along, we're here to help."

Eventually he relented, lying down and almost instantly drifting off.

"I have to go fill out some paperwork for the hospital, will you two be okay here?" Frigga whispered as you turned the lights down a bit.

"We will" you agreed, the Queen beaming at you.

"Practice for the future" she said cheekily, teleporting away before you could protest.

"Loki I hate your Mother sometimes" you groaned, sitting back down beside him on the small couch.

"Me too" he mumbled.

"Are you alright?" You asked, putting a hand on his cheek.

"Just... surprised" he admitted, looking over at you with a smile. "I didn't think Thor and I would ever make up, let alone get to be here for him and his child. Even now, I didn't think he'd trust me enough."

"He trusts you so much" you answered, kissing his cheek. "You have to stop doubting that; look how happy he was for you to meet her! He loves you dearly."

He was quiet for a moment before he smiled down at you. "I'm going to resist the urge to be 'really cheesy' as the mortals say. Thank you darling."

You reached up to carefully fix the baby's sleeve that was crumbled halfway up her arm. "She's beautiful."

"She is indeed" He agreed, however his eyes were on you as you watched Idun.

"She's so happy" you chuckled, looking up at him. "I've never seen a baby fall asleep that fast."

"She must be talented at that."

"Or you make her feel safe."

"She has a bad sense of judgement then" he grinned.

You rolled your eyes, laughing quietly as you leaned against him. "You're so annoying sometimes."

"Thank you, I try hard."

"Hey! That's my line!"

"You steal my lines all the time" he countered with a smirk.

"Fair enough" you shrugged, tucking your legs up and cuddling into his side as he shifted the baby to his other shoulder, his arm moving to pull you close. "I love you Lokes."

"I love you too my dear."


Ew, fluff. I feel like it was needed though before the chaos of Thor bringing the baby back to the tower ensues

Sorry for taking so long to update, I forgot abt this tbh😭

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