My Mind's Made Up

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No lyrics this time guys sorry

The first thing I noticed when I walked into Jeremih's spacious home; was the living room which was painted an calming ocean blue with three large leather couches placed upon a deep crimson red carpet.

I continued to walk through the house and ended up in the kitchen that resembled a kitchen on the food network. My fingers were gliding against his expensive electric stove when he walked in,

"I take it you like my house?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"The layout is so nice..who decorated it for you?" I questioned as I glanced around.

"I did some of the decorating, but mostly it was my moms." He said with a chuckle.

"Well she did a good job, it's beautiful." I said with a smile.

I turned around in his arms and looked up at him, "What's our plans for today Mr.Jeremih?" I asked.

"Nothing I thought we could just chill, you know? I got Netflix-"

I cut him off, "This isn't going to be one of those things where you say you want to watch 'Netflix and chill' when in reality you just want to fuck is it?" I raised an eyebrow at him,

"Nah ma' unless you want to do that," he smirked as he hands slid down to my ass and gave it a squeeze.

"Boy, you play to much." I said laughing and shoving him playfully.

After we grabbed a few snacks and got comfortable on his couch we started watching some independent movie on Netflix, but my mind was elsewhere.

I couldn't get August and my decision out of my mind, I didn't know whether he deserved another chance or if he's just being nice to disappoint me again.

I couldn't get the image of him crying out of my mind; how red and tired his eyes looked, the rasp to his voice, and his frown.

"You okay?" Jeremih's voice pulled me out of my thoughts.

Jeremih and I had been getting quite serious.

I looked around Jeremih's house with a grin on my face, "this is really nice," I nodded in satisfaction.

"Thanks, you want anything to drink?" He asked as he walked towards a door that I assumed led to the kitchen.

"I'm fine, thanks."

I sat up on the brown couches and sighed, the whole August situation was still bothering me.

"Something wrong?" I heard Jeremih's voice ask.

I jumped a little and put my hand over my chest, "Are you trying to kill me?" I glared at him playfully.

He sat next to me and chuckled as he put his drink on the coffee table
"My bad ma', but forreal, what's goin' on why you look so upset?" He asked.

"It's the whole August thing I don't know if I should give him another chance or not," I said frustrated with my indecisiveness.

"Hey," he placed a hand on my upper thigh and gave it a light squeeze, "You'll make the right decision stop worryin' so much about that nigga and the situation." He said honestly.

I raised an eyebrow at his words, "I can't help but to, he's a friend or he was my friend I don't know anymore..." I trailed off.

Jeremih sucked his teeth and grabbed my chin making me look at him and pecked my lips a few times,

"I'm tellin' you, you'll do what's right. Now let's change the subject," he smirked and kissed my lips.

I responded immediately and pulled him closer to me, his hands were on my hips tugging me to him until I was on his lap.

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