(1) When you arrive home covered with injures

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Starting off with a strong one guys whoooooooo (You can imagine what caused the injures)


He was out in the market getting some stuff when he suddenly felt some lean on him, he turned his head to see who it was thinking it was Julian but surprised to see it was you, but was even more surprised to see you with a bunch of scars and blood on your body. He tried to play it cool by asking if you're alright and if you're in pain then carried you to the palace, but they were actually screaming on the inside. When he brought you to the palace Nadia called a doctor and had you looked at, while the doctor was treating you he was using magic to help calm themself and you down and to soothe the pain, still silently screaming. When you woke up around 4 pm with Faust curled up in a ball on your chest and Asra laying his head on the bed. You gently put Faust to the side and began petting Asra's hair while humming a soft song "Good evening to you too, love" said Asra as he opened his eyes. You flinched in surprise as he took your hand and rested his cheek in it, and began to doze off as you continued humming the song. He's just glad you're alright


He was just chilling in his clinic leaning back in a chair while reading a book when the door suddenly slammed open, making him drop his book and fall out of his chair. He went to the main room to see who was being such a grump but froze when he saw you, all beaten up, bleeding from your mouth and nose, and multiple injuries everywhere "Heh, h-hi. . . Julie" then you collapsed on the floor. This man didn't have time to worry or ask questions before doctor autopilot mode kicked in, and he scooped you up and put you on an examing table. He did get a tiny bit embarrassed when he had to take off your shirt without your consent to look at your wounds since you were unconscious, but that was pretty much it. You woke up hours later, shirtless and in bed with Julian pacing back and forth next to you "Ilya. . .?" Julain whipped his head to face you "Darling! You're awake! I was so worried I . . . I . . ." his happiness quickly faded into sobs, collapsing on his knees next to bed "Y-you could've died, all because of my foolishness, I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm so-" "Julie, enough! You're not at fault for ANYTHING that happened to me, it should be my fault that I made you worry and put myself on death's door" "No no you didn't do anything wrong!" "And neither did you!" you guys then went on a rant for a while about how its not the others fault and that its your fault until you two just sat there completely out of breath "H-hey, Julie?" "Yes love?" "Shut up and kiss me" then y'all just made out for the rest of the day, like a normal couple! 😀👍


Inanna came bounding up to him one day barking and with an excited yet worried expression on her face 5 days after you left for an adventure. A confused Muriel followed her outside to see you guiding your limping horse and clutching your stomach. He immediately ran up to you and picked you up in one arm while taking your horse's reins in his other hand "W-what happened?! A-are you alright?! No, that's a dumb question you're obviously not alright, w-we need to get you to the palace, Nadia can get you a doctor and-" he stopped when he felt your hand on his cheek. He looked down at you, a tired smile on your face "That. . . would be. . . nice. . . but, be quick, alright?" then your hand went limp. Didn't have to tell this boi twice! He bolted out of the forest with Inanna running beside him, barking at people to make them move out of the way. The only time he stopped was at Asra's shop and told him "MC's hurt and I'm taking them to the palace, be quick" then dashed off. Asra spat out their tea, grabbed their bag, and dashed off after you guys. When the three of you arrived at the palace Nadia immediately called for a doctor and had you looked at. Muriel was pacing back and forth while waiting, saying it was all his fault and that he should've gone with you and you're gonna die because of him. Asra kept reassuring that it wasn't his fault and that he couldn't have known but he wasn't hearing it. The doctor finally came out they said that you wanted to see Muriel alone, and his heart sank as he saw you laying there on the couch, the arm you used to cover your stomach was covered in the blood that leaked through your clothes. And he wasn't even embarrassed that you weren't wearing a shirt and only bandages that wrapped around your chest, he was just worried about you. He rushed to your side with tears forming in his eyes and took the blood-covered hand in his "I should've been there, I-I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry Mc I shouldn't have let you go on your own, I-I failed you, I couldn't keep you safe, I-" "Muri, It's alright, I'm alive and that's all that matters, and with you here, I feel ten times better, and. . . . I'm sorry that I fainted back there, probably gave you like, fifteen heart attacks" "Heh, That's what it felt like, I'm glad you're alright" Suddenly, Inanna jumped onto the couch and onto your chest which made you curse in pain, Muriel picked her up off of you and said "Bad girl! MC so you have to be gentle" Inanna whimpered and you just laughed, with these two here, you felt better already

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