(3) if you're a Botanist

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For those who don't know, a Botanist is someone who studies botany which is the study of plants!


Herbs and plants actually play a role in performing some magics, so it was nice always having them on hand. He would bring you new plants that they would bring back from adventures, and seeing you get all excited from the plants gave him life. They found your journal that you used to record things when you were away and just sat there reading all the information inside of it and silently complimented the drawings inside. And when you came back he showered you with affection and praise for your work even though you told him not to look at your journal without asking, but they kept looking at it afterward because, hey, he never promised, did he?


You guys benefit each other with your research! He goes out and gets the plants for you while you help him turn the plants into medicine that he uses at the clinic. He likes it when you ramble to him about your findings and when you bring him new teas practically every week that are made of new plants that can be used as tea leaves. He was a little scared of your carnivorous plants like your Sundews and Venus flytraps but when you told him they couldn't hurt him he started putting them up in the clinic to keep the bugs away, which was actually a major help that he thanks you for every day.


Before he knew of your career you would disappear into the forest for hours on end and not telling him why he mustered up the courage to ask you one day why you disappear so often and when you told him you're a Botanist he was like "What's a Botanist. . .?" after explaining what a Botanist was his face went red because that makes so much sense and he was just being stupid (his words not mine) and he even began to study botany with you because he found it interesting. You two would spend days writing things down about plants and studying them, and having to pry Inanna's jaw open to get a poisonous plant out of her mouth.


When he found out you studied Botany and that you like plants, he was quick to build you a personal garden and greenhouse for your studies and ordered every exotic plant he could find. He loved your reaction when he showed you the greenhouse as you planted kisses on his cheek repeating thank you a bunch of times. He was terrified of the carnivorous plants and would stay as far away from them as you could so you stuck your finger in them to show them that they didn't hurt, and he was more terrified that you weren't hurt from them. This man is all brawn barely brains.


He was impressed, he would've gotten extremely bored if he had to sit in front of a plant to study it all day. And one time when you received some exotic grapes you showed them to him and said you can turn them into wine after you were done studying them, which made him appreciate botany WAY more than before.


They find it utterly adorable when you dote on a specific plant and just sit in front of it, writing things down. Sometimes you will go to their operating room while they're working and just talk to them while the two of you work. They peek over your shoulder to look at your drawings and compliment them a lot, when you say they aren't that good they get all dramatic like "Not good? Darling, I've met artists and Botanists over the years and NONE of them have made drawings as good as yours, so of course, they're good"


They find it weird, why the hell would you want to study plants of all things? But they were still supportive because everything you do is amazing to them. And If anyone makes fun of your studies let's just say that person is never heard from again.

👹The Devil👹

He finds your devotion to botany cute. He likes it when you sit on his lap scribbling stuff in your journal and asking him questions while he's on his throne. He leans over your shoulder sometimes to check on your progress and makes small notes on your drawings. Since his realm isn't really fit for growing plants he just makes the plant sprout out of his palm when you ask him for a specific plant.

🐻The Hermit🐻

You being a Botanist is the thing that actually attracted him to you. His whole realm is an endless forest filled with every plant known to mankind, so if you ask him for a specific plant he would be happy to grow it for you and even give you seeds for you to grow it outside his realm. He also likes it when you ask him questions about different types of flora, and if you keep a journal for your findings he finds it cute when you scribble things in it while asking him questions. He even assembled a greenhouse close to the cottage for you to do your research. He stops by when you're in the middle of something to check on your work, give you tea, remind you to eat dinner, and carry you out when it's time for bed and you're consumed in work. He does get worried when you stay up all night studying your plants and not taking proper care of yourself, so he actives code Belladonna which is when he covers the greenhouse in thick moss and vines so that you can't enter "Teddy what the hell?! I was at the edge of a breakthrough!" "I'm sorry Mc, but you are not taking care of yourself, I'm worried about you" "But-" "No buts, I'm sorry, but I can't let you work until you get rid of those bags under your eyes, alright?" he said, putting a hand out to you "Argh, fine" you huffed as you took his hand. The two of you cuddle for the rest of the day.

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