(2) What you got them for Christmas

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Ik I'm a year late for the Christmas stuff, so just bear with me.


The scarf was purple and had a bunch of stars and planets in it along with snake designs that resembled Faust. And when he opened it he got all starry-eyed and looked up at you with an 'I will love you for the rest of my life, please don't leave me' look in his eyes, then he dove on you and started planting kisses all over your face "Thank you thank you thank you Mc! I love it! "I'm glad you like it! I made it myself, had to start it a month before to finish it in time" "You made it yourself?!"


"Hey Julie, can you come here for a second? I want to give you your present!" Julian walked over with a half confused half flustered look on his face "Aww, a present for me? That's so nice of you hun, what is it?" "Turn around then  I'll show you" he listened to what you said and turned around as you ran to your study and came back with his coat "Okay, now look" he whirled around and let out a loud gasp as you held up his coat. On the back of it was a large, hand-sewn raven in red thread with smaller beer mugs surrounding it "Did. . . d-did you do this?" "Yup, do you like it?" He ran up to you and squeezed you as tight as he could and planted a kiss on your lips "I was looking for it yesterday but I'm not even mad now! It looks beautiful!"


You really didn't know what to get him since he likes everything you give him until an idea sprang into your head "H-hey Mc, have you seen my green scarf? The one you gave me" "Oh right! I just remembered" you said as you pulled out a small gift "This is for you, merry Christmas, Muri!" a small blush formed on his face as he took the gift ". . . for me?" he asked, you nodded. He carefully opened the gift as to not rip the paper or bow. Inside the paper was his green scarf, but it was different, there were small designs embroidered into it of trees, bears, wolves, chickens, and leaves "I-is- is this m-my. . . scarf?" he stuttered as his face went cherry red "Mhm! I didn't know what to get you so why not improve something you already have?" you said as you took the scarf out of his hands and placed it around his neck, smiling. He silently wrapped his arms around your waist without you knowing and pulled you into a gentle embrace, muttering something "Uh. . . Muri? Can you repeat that?" "You're just too cute"


"Oh Mcccccccc~" "Ya Luci?" "It's Christmas~" "And?" "You know what fuck this I'm asking where's my present" you chuckled and went off to grab the gift and came back holding Lucio's sword in its scabbard "My sword! I was looking for that a couple of days ago, wait, why are you giving me this instead of my present?" "Well, take out the sword" he did as you said and started high pitch squealing when he took it out of the scabbard. The sword had diamonds and other jewels embedded in the hilt and the blade all the way from the rain guard to the point, which made the sword shine in the sunlight "AH I LOVE IT SO MUCH IT LOOKS SO COOL AND FANCY AND PERFECT I LOVE YOU!!" he said planting kisses on your face and neck. And let's just say those kisses led to bigger things. . . .

A/N: wink wink nudge nudge


"Alright, Eri! Time for your present" You said as you pulled a small box from behind you. He raised an eyebrow and set his wine glass next to him and began to open the gift "Is this . . . a fucking wine mom shirt?!" he said in disgust "Hehe, do you like it?" then he just stormed off and chugged the rest of his glass. A couple of minutes later you found him and gave him a super expensive wine that he really wanted to try while saying that this is his real present.


They don't celebrate Christmas but when they found out you celebrated they began to celebrate as well, hoping you would like them more. When you gave them the gift they got a bit flustered and went "Aww darling, a gift for me? You shouldn't have" they opened the small box and their eyes went wide "A-are these. . . medical tools made out of Tungsten which is the hardest metal discovered on the planet?!" "Do you like it? took me a super long time to find them" they set the box and spins you in circles squealing with pure joy "Thank you darling thank you! You know what, I'll let you witness the first thing I dissect with these, and you can even keep the skull if you want!" "Uh, I would rather not, Valdy"


The closest thing to 'celebrating' they do is the gifting part, where they will just give Valdemar a bunch of dead bodies but that's pretty much it. And when you gave them a present they got super excited and ripped open the box and got even more excited when they saw what was in it. inside the box were 100 throwing knives that are just as sharp as Vulgora's claws "Yes! Now I can kill them from a long distance, thanks babe!" they said, planting a kiss on your cheek "And remember what I told you-" "Ya ya, only murder on Saturdays. . . "

👹The Devil👹

He doesn't normally celebrate, mostly because it's supposed to represent the birth of Jesus and he's The Devil but he at least celebrates the gifting part now that you're with him. On Christmas day you two were just sitting on his throne as he was nuzzling you when you suddenly remembered "Oh right! I actually got you some things for Christmas, wait here" you jumped off his lap and ran to your room without letting him say anything, leaving him extremely confused. You came back minutes later with a large box with clinking sounds coming from the inside "A gift? You know I can materialize anything I wish, right?" he joked "I know, but this is one of a kind" you said as you got back on his lap and handed him the box. He undid the red ribbon and took off the lid and was actually kind of surprised "Is this. . . jewelry?" he asked, taking out the things inside the box. Inside the box were multiple shiny things made of gold with rubies embedded in them. Decorations for his horns, studs, rings, necklaces, bracelets, rings and bands for his tail, and other fancy stuff "Yup! Here, let me help you put them on" the two of you spent a couple of minutes putting the shiny things on him, and everything fit like a glove even though you had the guess he width of his horns, fingers, and wrists to have the jewelry made so you were just as surprised as him. He conjured a few pieces of glass to form a mirror to get a look at himself when you guys were done and he actually looked really really cool as he shined like a gemstone in the crimson light of his realm. He turned his head too with a wide grin on his face and picked you up in his arms "Thank you, darling, this is the best gift I never knew I needed"

A/N: I'll be writing the devil with jewelry now in the other scenarios, he really needs some extra flair it

🐻The Hermit🐻

Like The Devil, The Hermit doesn't really celebrate Christmas, sometimes he would occasionally decorate his realm but that's about it. "What's this, dear?" he asked, gesturing at the box you were holding to him "It's for you, open it!" he rested his staff against the wall and began unwrapping the gift, and inside was a small, round, metal black box that had the same golden swirl design like the one on his forehead "What's this?" he wondered "Click the button on top" you replied. He clicked the button and the lid of the box slowly opened and he was met with whimsical music coming from the box, and rising from the middle were two small figures that looked exactly like you and him, dancing. "This is. . . " "Us! It's a music box, I commissioned it from someone in Vesuvia. I thought that maybe you could listen to it when you got lonely on my adventures or- MMPH!" The Hermit cut you off in a massive bear hug that muffled your voice "Thank you, Mc" and it wasn't until you left for the night that he discovered something carved inside the lid 'Beauty and the Bear'

A/N: Remember this music box! It might appear in other scenarios

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