(4) If you become blind

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He teaches you how to use magic without sight and goes on fewer adventures so that he can be with you as much as he can. He sometimes sneaks up on you from behind to hug you but if you don't want him to do that he'll stop immediately. And when he's not around, Faust is draped over your neck and tells you where to go.


He immediately reads books on how to take care of blind people, and because he's such a sweetheart he'll even sand down the corners of tables or chairs so that you don't hurt yourself. He took you to the Rowdy Raven one time ONCE after you became blind AND ONLY ONCE. When you guys entered and when Julian was distracted you bumped into some large guy who immediately wanted to pick a fight with you and thought you're white cane was a weapon, when you told the man you're blind he thought you were pretending and punched you, knocking you onto the floor. Julian rushed to you're side and demanded from the man why he punched you, the guy said you had a weapon, and a "WHAT THE FUCK?!" expression washed over his face and told the man that you're fucking blind that you're 'weapon' is a white cane that helps you navigate areas. And after cussing that guy, leaving him utterly speechless, he brought you to his clinic where put bandages on you and started blaming himself that he should've been there for you. So you quickly cupped his face using your hands and kissed him saying that it's not his fault, and it never was and will be.

A/N: Got a bit carried away with this one


He is with you twenty-four seven and carries you everywhere, do you just want to go from the kitchen table to the couch? you are getting carried, want to go to Asra's shop? expect to be carried. And during the super rare occasions he's not with you he puts to task to Inanna to guide you around the place.


He is SUPER upset that you can't acknowledge his beauty and dashingness anymore. He had a special white cane made for you that had small bells on it so he would know where you were. And whenever he was with you in a place with lots of people in it he would tightly hold your hand and glare at anybody who seemed like a potential threat or wanted to harm you, but when you brought his hand up to kiss it and saying not to be such a worrywart, he immediately calmed down and gave you a small smile.


He becomes a lot less rude and judgemental, he also got kind of annoyed at the sound of your white cane but eventually, he got used to it and it doesn't bother him anymore. Holds your hand whenever you two go places that are crowded which is a shocker because he didn't really hold your hand that much in public that much when you had sight. He also picks out your wardrobe, even if you're blind you still need to look good.


This creature becomes a Lovecraftian horror whenever someone is rude to you, heck, even if someone looks at you for more than 10 seconds. One time during a party you bumped into someone and right before the person could say anything, Valdemar already had a scalpel to the person's neck whispering "Say one bad thing about my lover and you'll be my next patient"


They yell at anybody who looks at you weirdly and carries you on their shoulder constantly, even when you tell them that you can walk they always give an excuse to carry you. They get you the most threatening-looking white cane they could find and when you ask them to describe it to you they just say it's a normal white cane.

👹The Devil👹

He tries to find a spell or something to make you see again, but to no avail. When you shot him a smile and said that it doesn't matter that much as long as you have him, he placed one of his hands on your cheek, saying it does. He later got you a fancy white cane and when you're trying to find him he gingles the jewelry you got him to signal where he is. He also turns into a white dog and pretends to be your seeing-eye dog when you go places that he's not allowed to go to.

🐻The Hermit🐻

He treats you extremely gently and holds your hand or carries you whenever you're together. Sometimes you get sad that you can't see how beautiful his realm is so he takes his time to describe it to you when you ask him, describing every single detail of the scene. He also put a small bell on his lantern staff so you know where he is. And as a gift, he carved you a white cane using the trees in his realm with protection spells and other small runes and details carved in it.

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