(5) When their familiars turn into humans

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I removed Valerius, Vulgora, and Valdemar because they don't have familiars nor are they animalistic so I'm sorry about that :[


After you and Asra come home after a trip to the market, you both were extremely confused when you saw an 18-year-old girl with long purple hair and red eyes sprawled on the floor in front of the counter, a dazed expression on her face. Even though Asra was confused he was also worried so he bent down and first asked the girl her name. A happy expression washed over the girl's face as he asked that and sprung upwards, saying her name was Faust. Asra connected the dots immediately and practically began examining Faust and frantically asking questions "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! How long have you been like this?! What's the last thing you remember" with Faust answering with short sentences like "Am fine! No hurt! 2 hours! Big light!" the two of you tried to bring Faust over to the couch which then revealed that, in her human form, her legs don't work and that she can't walk! So Asra had to princess carry her over to the couch. The two of you were thankfully able to turn Faust back to her snake form which she found way more comfortable, even saying "No like skin, only scales!"


Malak was being annoying and flying around the room while you and Julian were trying to relax, when suddenly, in a poof of smoke, a 12-year-old with messy black hair and an incredibly confused and angry look on his face thunked down into your guy's lap while the two of you were on the couch. Of course, all three of you began screaming with Malak's being almost ear-bleeding but after a while, you and Julian were able to calm Malak down and he began yelling wild accusations at you "This is all your fault MAGICIAN! You knew Ilya liked me more than you so you turned me human to murder me!" "Whoah whoah easy, tiger. We don't even know how or why you're like this, and to be honest, I much like MC more than you to be honest" said Julian "Speaking of which, am I a dad now?"


You had just let Innana outside of the hut when you suddenly heard a frantic knock on the door. You and Muriel looked at each other before you got up and opened the door, to be met by a girl with bronze-brown skin and messy black hair crouched down in front of the door. "Mc! I-I need your help, I was chasing the chickens when suddenly I looked like you and dad and now I don't know what to do and- and why does skin feel so weird?!" she rambled "Wait. . . Inanna?!" sai Muriel from inside the hut. Inanna's face lights up as she leaps to her feet and runs into Muriel, wrapping her arms around him. "DAD!" beams Inanna, Muriel's face erupts in a bright blush as you chuckle in the background "Aww, you're a papa Muri!" "MC!" says Muriel "Um. . . y-you think of me a-as a dad. . .?"


You and Lucio were coming back from a meeting when you suddenly heard high-pitched screaming from your guy's room. Lucio pulled his bedazzled sword out and kicked open the door to be met by 2 dapper-looking 19-year-olds sitting on the couch and a screaming child running around the room. The 19-year-olds were tall and slender with beautiful white fluffy hair, with one on the right wearing a white dress and a fur boa and the one on the right wearing a white suit with a long fur cape with a small tare in his ear. The child on the other hand pretty much looks like a carbon copy of Lucio, except his hair was white with splotches of yellow splattered on it. "Sir!" said the twins in sync, bolting up from their spot on the couch and hurrying towards Lucio "WHO THE FUCK ARE ALL OF YOU?!" yelled Lucio, pointing his sword at the twins "It's us, sir! Mercedes and Melchior, remember?" said the one in the dress "Jack shit! You don't even look like my beautiful pups" "Luci look! Their necklaces" you say pointing at the gold necklaces around the twins' necks, which had the names Mercedes and Melchoir engraved in them. Lucio finally realized and dropped his sword and began freaking out saying things like "My babies! Are you alright?! Are you hurt?!" until he was interrupted by the child in the background screaming "ARE YOU NOT WORRIED ABOUT ME OLD MAN?!" "HUSH CAMIO! YOU'RE MY LEAST FAVORITE CHILD!"

👹The Devil👹

You were just sitting in his lap scratching his horns when all of a sudden a poof of smoke exploded near his head, and when you looked up at him, you were both scared and confused when he suddenly had a human face with red eyes and long white hair. Of course, your face exploded with blush which almost made you look as red as his eyes, he looked down at you with an amused look and took your chin with his hand to make you look at him "Aww, look at you. Maybe I should use a human form more often~"

🐻The Hermit🐻

You were very confused when you walked into the cottage and saw a very tall man with dark brown skin and short black hair sitting in Hermit's armchair. He noticed you from his chair and greeted you as you stood there with your mouth open, trying to find words to say "Is something wrong? Mc. . .?" "I. . .y-your face," you say, pointing to your own face. He summons some shards of glass and forms them into a floating mirror, and is just as surprised as you when he sees his face. You walk over to the chair and take his face in your hands, which makes him lose his concentration and makes the mirror drop to the floor, shattering into pieces. "Mc?" "SHUSH! I need to savor this moment before it disappears"


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