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24 hours before - Miami, FL - Danielle

I pulled the sleeves of my hoodie in closer to my body. Why the hell must doctor's offices be so damn cold. My stomach had settled after I took a few sips of the tea James had brought me. Hopefully, this won't take too long. I've missed too much work and need to get back at it.

"Santiago, Danielle," the nurse called.

Once I answered the standard identity questions and my vitals were taken, she turned to me with a big smile.

"So, why are we here today?"

"My daughter had a stomach bug and I think I've caught it."

"What are you experiencing?"

"Well, vomiting obviously. I've had a few killer headaches, a slight fever, my body aches, and I've had a few dizzy spells."

"Mhmm, okay," she said as she stood up and gathered a gown from the cabinets behind her. "Go ahead and change into this. We're going to need a urine sample. The supplies are in the bathroom across the hall. The doctor should be in shortly."

"Wait, what?" I asked confused. "Why do I need to change I just told you what was wrong. Also, why do you need me to pee in a cup?"

"Why, for the pregnancy test of course."

Once the words registered in my mind I doubled over laughing.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"Oh honey," I said while sucking in a deep breath. "I can assure you, I'm not pregnant. I got my period last month and my boyfriend and I have been using protection."

"I've heard that story before," she snarked. "It's a common procedure, you're more than welcome to decline the test. However, if you do take it and it's negative, you'll get to look at me and say I told you so."


I couldn't wait until I get to rub those negative results in that nurse's face! James and I were careful. We haven't exactly talked kids, but I know I want a few more someday. The idea terrified the hell out of me, but Dylan would be a great big sister. I already know how amazing a dad James could be.

But... What if I'm a terrible mom? Dylan is older and James did such a great job with her. But a baby?

I rolled my eyes and huffed as I made my way across the hall. I'm getting myself worked up over nothing. There's no way I'm pregnant.


"Well, looks like congratulations are due," said Doctor Conners as he entered the room.

"Well, let's call in that nurse so I can stick my tongue out at her," I replied with a giant smile.

"Huh?" his confused look threw me off. Then again, I'm sure the nurses don't make it common knowledge they make bets with their patients.

"Congratulations, I was right. I'm not pregnant."

"No, Miss. Santiago. Congratulations, you ARE pregnant."

I felt my blood drain down to my toes.

"It's why you've been sick," he continued.

"Ha-ha, very funny. I'm sick because I caught my daughter's stomach virus."

Dr. Connors sighed and walked back out the door but returned quickly with a small plastic tray-like item. He held it out for me, and I recoiled back. There was no way this was happening.

"Miss. Santiago, it's not gonna change if you don't look at it."

If looks could kill I'm sure my doctor would be six feet under right now. With a huff, I reached for the pregnancy test. I took a shattered breath as I turned it towards me and saw those two pink lines.

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