My Babies

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Eight Months Later - Miami, Florida - Danielle

"Alright, what's his name?" I asked Dylan as she walked into the kitchen with a goofy smile. Her face dropped and panic flashed in her eyes.

"What do you mean?" she squeaked.

"I was once a teenage girl," said with a smile, "I know that look."

Dylan chewed on her lip nervously and looked around as if there was a way to get out of this conversation somewhere. I grabbed the Oreos from the cabinet behind me and placed them on the island between us. My heavy belly didn't allow me to lean on it like I really wanted too but that's besides the point. The Oreos seemed to have worked enough because she sighed as she pulled one from the sleeve.

"Calum Johnson."

"Calum Johnson," I said rolling an Oreo on the table. "Why does that name sound so familiar?"

"His twin sister Callie is one of my friends," she answered.

A lightbulb went off in my head, "Right! He was the kid from the pool party a few years ago. The one who didn't stop looking at you."

Dylan cleared her throat and blushed, "yeah. That was him."

"Okay," I smiled, "so what about him has you all bright and shiny?"

"Wellll," she hesitated before gushing out information with a huge smile. "So, apparently he asked Callie if it would be alright if he asked me out because he's had this huge crush on me for so long. She was hesitant at first but agreed and told him if he hurt me, she would hurt him more. Today at lunch he sat beside me and tells me all that and then just sort of looks at me expectantly. I was like ummm okay and? He smiled and said Well, what do you say, dinner Friday?

"Mom, I tried so hard not to squeal in his face. I've liked him too, but he was Callie's brother, so I was not going to go there. I'm so excited! He said he's going to pick me up at six and we're going to do dinner and maybe a walk along the beach. I bet it will be so romantic! I couldn't picture a better first date!"

"What date?" James said as he stepped into the kitchen making us both jump because neither of us heard him come in.

"Your daughter has her first date this Friday night," I smiled.

"The hell she does," James barked.

Dylan's smile faded and I just blinked at him, "come again?"

"Dylan's not dating anyone anytime soon," he said matter of factly.

I could see the tears starting to form in her eyes. This conversation was not going to end well. I knew James well enough that he was about to put his foot in his damn mouth again.

"Daddy, I'm sixteen years old, I'm not a child," she argued.

"The fuck you aren't..." he began but I cut him off by calling his name loudly.

"What?" he turned and snapped at me. My eyebrows raised up and I gave him a look of disbelief. Instantly his shoulders dropped, and he cringed knowing he fucked up.

"Dylan," I said calmly, "why don't you go to your room. Your father and I need to talk."

Her bottom lip was trembling, and I could tell she was trying so hard not to cry.

"I hate you," she mumbled as she turned and rushed out of the room. James flinched at her words, and I could see the effect they had on him. I decided then to go a little easier on him then I had originally intended.

"You have to loosen those reigns, Cowboy," I said gently.

Apparently, my words brought the fight back into him because he snapped, "She's my daughter and I say she too fucking young to date."

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