Missed Information

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- Present - Miami, FL - James

Having Cap read into this whole ordeal has been so much easier. We're able to work in shifts now and can cover a bit more ground. It's been a week and so far, we've been able to catch Loreto and Jinkins at the same diner at the same time just out of town.

Jinkins frequented a different bar every night. He never arrived or left with anyone. We couldn't chance an inside man because he knew everyone on the force in the district. We rented a different car every day, so he doesn't tag us tailing him.

Meanwhile, Danielle's morning sickness has only gotten worse. She now has an addiction to peanut butter, especially on pizza. I almost had morning sickness when I walked in on her smothering a slice of cheesy goodness with chunky Peter Pan.

Dylan is beyond happy about being a big sister. She's just busting at the seams to tell everyone. We got her to agree to keep it under wraps until after the first trimester has passed. With all the stress Danielle's body has been through lately we're a little paranoid. The last thing we want to do is tell my parents and then we lose the baby. They've already been through enough.

I sighed and groaned as I adjusted myself in the seat of the black Honda Civic, we rented of the stakeout. This thing was freaking tiny and not made for men of my stature. It's one of three cars we picked out for this mission. Jinkins and Loreto knew every single car we had in our disposal so we used to have to park further away so we wouldn't get spotted. Now we can be as close as across the street as long as we're careful.

Three hours after Jinkins arrived at the dive bar he's finally making his way out. I picked up the camera from the passenger seat and started taking pictures. Jinkins had a pretty blonde on his arm who was giggling and stumbling along with him. It's the first time he has left with a woman since we've been watching him.

We've got absolutely no evidence that he's behind the murders. So, unfortunately all I can do is follow him and hope he tries something. Once they're in his car and pulling out of the parking space I shoot a text to Cap and follow at a safe distance. Jinkins maneuvered through traffic as if he was trying to lose a tail. He didn't know my driving though, I made sure to keep at least three car lengths between us and didn't always switch to the same lane as him.

Once it became obvious he was going home, I turned down a separate street that would lead me to the same location and gunned it. Then I parked two houses down. My engine was killed, and lights shut off by the time he turned onto his road. The young girl stumbled out of the car with a laugh as they made their way up his front steps.

I texted Cap my location and then just... waited.

A few hours went by of nothing happening. My eyes flickered up to the rearview mirror as a set of headlights pulled up behind me. The driver jumped out and made its way to my window, tapping on it gently. I hit the button for it to drop down and came face to face with Captain Blackwood.

"Any movement?" he asked.

"No," I sighed, "Not even a flicker of the lights."

He shook his head and tapped on the top of the car, "Go park this and head home. You've got a pregnant girlfriend to take care of."

There was a string in my gut that we were missing something. It just didn't sit right with me that not even a light had shut off to signal that Jinkins had gone to be, and it was almost four A.M. With a reluctant sigh I nodded my head and waved at him as I pulled away from the curb. This was the first time during our observation that he left a bar with a woman. Either he was waiting to kill her, or our informant was bullshitting us.

The Next Morning - Miami, FL - Danielle

I stretched my arms high above my head trying to get the kink out of my neck that developed when I fell asleep on the bathroom floor last night. Apparently, kiddo didn't like the Chinese food Dylan and I ordered. It was probably my worst bout of sickness I've had so far and I'm totally over it.

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