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This is after heros day, but ignores the rest/ nitpicks thing I will keep. Aka, Chloe had a complete redemption ark. Marinette and her friends are the same age as Damian

Hawkmoth has been at large for four years in this. Yeah I changed up the timeline, who cares?

"Riddle me this: what has horrible fashion sense and is going to jail?" Shadow Walker looked down at the first real rogue he's delt with. He felt quite proud of the line, even if he made it himself.

Riddler whimpers. The kid had come out of no where. It had been four years sense the Batman disappeared. At the time most of the criminals thought it meant it would be easier. Especially with the joker in basically what was retirement with out the Batman.

They were all wrong. The rest of the vigilantes, instead of giving up, banded together stronger than before then. They even got three two vigilantes and one hero to help them. The bat fam lifted the ban on metas in Gotham, which really should have told them that the new vigilantes were metas.

The riddler was the first well known villain that Seth was allowed to stop.


Lily looked her family. They were definitely running low on stamina. They all needed a break. She smiled she knew she could count on the girls too keep Gotham in line for a few weeks, and of she 'asked' the joker she was sure he would agree to help.

She giggled. Yup, her kids deserved a break. She thought, 'where is one place I've always wanted to go, even if it's a tourist trap?' she knew the answer. She just needed to ask Alfred.

She quickly got everything together for what she planned. Alfred was surprisingly easy to convince. The sirens were ecstatic to be able to stretch their legs a bit, the joker was... scared of her so nothing new there.

Soon she was able to gather everyone and tell them the news. "We're going to Paris for a month!"


The day after they arrived in Paris. The Wayne family was in the middle of a intense battle.

"Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga! Jenga!" Was the chant as Tim pulled out a Jenga block and set it on top of the growing tower of blocks.

Luna clapped happily, and gave time a short kiss on his check.

Damian tsk'ed, "will you stop flaunting your relationship. It is unbecoming of you."

Tim snorted. "What? You jealous that I have a girlfriend and you don't?" Luna's eye brows furrowed, she did not like how nargles were vacating the area. "Hell we're all settling in some way. Jason has the yin yang siblings over there, Dick is engaged with a kid on the way, I have Luna. Your the only one who's not got someone."

Time knew as soon he had gone too far everyone's faces had gone red or white. Even Luna seemed mad at his jab at Damian.

Damian was the worse his face had gone blank. He slowly stood, and whent to the door. Telling Lily as he left, "I will be back."

Lily looked at Tim, "I don't care how old your are young man you are so grounded." Tim had the decency to look shamed.

Damian stomped his way down the side walk. Why? Why couldn't he have someone like Lovegood was to Drake? Or Kor'i was to Dick? He wanted that. Someone to love him for him.

Lovegood had told him that Drake was her soulmate. That it was almost impossible to find your soulmate with out magic. Which he didn't have.

Why? Why? Why couldn't he have a soulmate? Have what They have? He felt despair mixed with anger full him.

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