Meeting Tom Marvolo Riddle

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You skip dinner that night, instead going back down into your dorm room where you immediately start investigating this diary.

You didn't know why, but when you picked up the diary you felt a shock run through you, like it had a piece in what was happening. The prophecy, the chamber, Hogwarts as a whole, you didn't know which, but you knew it was important. Why would someone want to throw it away though?

You sat down at your desk, placing the leather bound book on the glossy surface. You grabbed your school bag from the back of your chair and took out some items you'd need, your revealing eraser, ink and quill, and your wand.

You looked down at the diary for a moment, letting your fingers caress the top lightly before opening it. You knew all the pages were blank, you just didn't know why. Your first instinct was that it was an old diary no one wanted... But why would they throw it away? You knew it was more important, it had to be. It had to be the key to this all.

You took your wand and pointed it at the first page of the book and muttered the revealing curse. Your wand glowed a deep gold for a moment when it hit the page, but nothing happened. You cursed under your breath, but not letting this dishearten you, you reached for the eraser. You scrubbed hard on the page, but nothing happened.

You turned to the next page and rubbed it hard with the eraser, then the next, and the one after that, but after so many failed attempts, you threw the eraser at the wall and leaned back in your chair, allowing your arms to come up and cover your face.

You took a breath and tried to slow your heart before coming back to the diary. You looked at the item before you, and thought for a moment before proceeding. There had to be something hidden here, something you could reveal.

You grabbed your quill and dipped it in your pot of ink, turning back to the first page of the diary. You took a deep breath before lowering the quill to the page and slowly writing "Hello" you didn't know what you were doing, or if it'd work, but you were shocked as you watched as the book slowly absorbed your letters and the parchment turned to its normal yellowy color again, no trace of your words left behind. You were about to give up at this sight, throw away the diary yourself, that is until you saw words forming back.

"Hello" the book wrote back to you before those words too disappeared. You took a moment to recover from the shock before grabbing back your quill, and writing on the page "Who are you?" Was the first thing that came to mind, and you wrote it hurriedly on the page, watching as your words disappeared just as they had before.

It takes a moment before the book responds, but when it does, it doesn't disappoint "I am Tom Riddle" it, no he, writes slowly on the page, "Who are you?" You reach for your quill and write back on the page "How do I know to trust you with that information?" You smile slyly at your response, although genuine worry floods through you at the thought of telling a strange man anything of the sort. "A clever girl, I see. What can I do to earn your name?" The book, Tom, writes back. "How do you know I'm a girl?" You write hurriedly, splashing a little ink across the book, but it doesn't matter as you watch it all disappear anyways. "The way you write, it has a certain feminine quality to it, very pretty" you can't help but smile at the response as you turn to write more to the stranger.

"I'll need to know more about you before I can disclose anything too serious" you write, ending the sentence smiling to yourself. You didn't know why you wanted so badly to respond to the man, but you told yourself it was simply to get to the bottom of everything. "Playing hard to get, huh? I like it. I'll tell you some things about myself, what do you want to know?" Your heart pounds at the blatant flirting, and it takes you a moment to calm down before you even start to think of what to write back. "How old are you?" You finally decide, though your heart starts pounding again at the thought of how he may respond. But your worries are for nothing, the man writes back quickly with a simple answer "Seventeen" You smile down at the page and ask your next question "Zodiac sign?" It takes a minute for the man to respond, "I couldn't tell you if I tried" Your surprised to see the man's uneven writing in this answer, as if he's mad he doesn't know.

"What's your birthday?" You write slowly, and he responds almost immediately. "December 31st" you think for a moment before responding "So you're a Capricorn? I am too. I guess we're fairly compatible" saying the last bit scares you, how will he react to it? Why do you care how this stranger will react? "I guess so" the man replies, and you can't help but imagine his voice, his laugh... "Any more questions? Or have I proved myself worthy?" You snap out of your trance at the words appearing, and look down at the diary. "I think you've proven yourself enough for today" you write, and finish it with an introduction "My name is Aoibhe Fawn"
The ink disappears and you see Tom's words slowly appear after yours "Nice to meet you, Aoibhe. I hope to talk to you more in the future" and with that, he's gone.

You try to write more, but he doesn't respond. And so you reluctantly call it a night when your roommate comes through the door after dinner, deciding to pick it up again tomorrow. You change quickly before slipping into bed, only then allowing yourself to think fully about what just happened to you.

There's someone talking to you through the diary... Are they real? If they are, who are they? Are they connected to the prophecy, as you had hoped, or was it just a teenage boy communicating to you? Why was it through a diary? You didn't know the answer to any of these questions, but what you did know, was you wanted to talk to Tom again, and get to the bottom of this all.

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