The Prank

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You woke up the next morning bright and early in order to continue talking to Tom, you wanted to get to know him as much as you could, see if you could truly trust the man in the diary, and see if you could get to the bottom of this all. 

However, your plans were prevented by an unfortunate event. When you woke up you felt water around you, rising ever higher as you laid there in bed. You threw your blankets off of you screaming, and jumped on top of your bed. Beside you you heard as your roommate woke up as well "WHAT IS THIS?" she yelled at the top of her lugs. You didn't respond, instead reaching for your wand on your side table. You told Cassie to do the same, and the two of you tried to shout spells (to no avail) as the water reached your ankles.

That's when you realized the diary. You turned alarmed and saw it floating by the door. You cursed under your breath before turning to where Cassie was still shouting spells "It can't be just our dorm room, let's try to get out of here" and she nodded reluctantly before the two of you went off your beds, swimming in the water, which was up to your shoulders, and her chest. You swam to the diary and picked it up before heading out the door. 

When you tried to open it, however, you felt it push back, and it's in that moment you realized the rest of the common room must be flooded. You took a moment to think, who would do this? Who thought it was funny?! You bit your lip before turning back to Cassie "We'll have to blast it open" she nods before lifting her wand. The water was still rising, now to your chin, but you could still stand and lift your wand. You both shouted the spell "BOMBARDA!" and watched as the door blew to pieces.

You both took a deep breath before swimming through the water into the common room. You sighed as you saw bunches of things floating in the ever rising water, but continued to where you saw other people coming out of their dorms, their doors too broken open. "What happened?" you heard one girl say, and a younger student you knew to be Malfoy, who's hair was unusually untamed, was scowling at his friends, saying the same sentence over again under his breath "My father will hear about this, absolutely atrocious" you shook your head, swimming further into the common room, and that's when you see what happened.

The common room looked into the black lake, but the usual strong glass was broken and the water was flooding in. In that moment you realized what you were swimming in, and started freaking out. Sure, many students swam in the lake, you weren't worried about the water, you were worried about the things in it, however the water was too dark to tell at this moment, which worried you even more. It seemed as more students followed behind you, they, too, realized what had happened and what they were swimming in.

Everyone started visibly freaking out, and swimming as fast as they could to the door. You followed behind, and watched as your prefect, a tall 5th year girl with dark brown hair, now plastered to her face from the water, and striking green eyes, opened the common room door and the water immediately started flowing out. Everyone got out as fast as they could, spreading into the hallway as the water flooded out. It's only then that you saw as fish too came out, pieces of seaweed, and rocks, and you had to hold the diary over your mouth to prevent you from throwing up.

You heard footsteps coming down the hall, seemingly people had finally caught onto the fact that the black lake was draining, and your common room was flooding "What in the heavens is going on here?" you heard Snape's intense drawl coming from his office, "The common room flooded, sir" you heard the same prefect, Connolly you think her name was, say to Snape "Someone broke the glass to the black lake. "Impossible" Snape said, but you all moved aside for him to walk towards the room, and sure enough he saw the water flooding out with all of the contents of the black lake following.

Thankfully the black lake was deep, and your common room was no where near the bottom, and so there wasn't anything too bad flooding in yet. Snape ushered all the Slytherin students upstairs as the water continued to flow out, and you cursed under your breath at the thought of all your belongings still stuck in your room.

Everyone went upstairs into the common room, where they were greeted by not only other students (both laughing and concerned for why you all were soaked) and the headmaster and Mcgonagall. You assume Snape sent a message to them along the way, although you didn't see when. Mcgonagall helped you all dry off, using a steaming charm, as Snape and Dumbledore talked. 

As soon as you all were dried off and reassured everything would be fine, your classmates started talking again. You were told to go into the great hall, and along the way there were whispers of who people thought did this. You didn't have any suspicions yourself, that is, until you saw 2 particular people at the Gryffindor table snickering into their food. You knew by their hair and faces that they were Weasleys, and you knew that they were notorious for these types of "pranks".

You scowled in their direction and sat down at your table, looking around at the food, but not particularly interested in any of it. It's then that you remembered what you were holding. You held up the diary, inspecting it for any water damage, but when you opened it, all the pages were dry, and just as you had left them last night. You looked for a moment more before getting up from the table and heading into the entrance hall.

"Mrs. Fawn! You're supposed to stay in the great hall till we sort this out! Mrs. Fawn-!" You heard Mcgonagall call behind you, but you were already running down the hall, and she gave up fairly quickly. 

You ran without stopping, making sure Mcgonagall was behind you, only stopping as you reached your destination. You caught your breath for a moment before turning into the Library, where Madam Pince gave you an odd look, as you were wearing your pajamas, but you ignored her and headed to the furthest table you could get to. 

You thought for a moment, before moving towards the student records. They didn't have all students in this section, but they had most, especially the prefects and head boys/girls. You moved towards the shelf with all Slytherins and picked out the book from 2 years before you. You knew Tom didn't go to school now, but he had to have before, surely? You flipped through the pages to the letter T, you looked through it trying to find Tom, but to no avail. You frowned and picked up the book after it, thinking you maybe got the year wrong, but he wasn't in there either. You tried the book before that, but you couldn't find him there either. You thought for a moment of the possibility that he might not be a Slytherin, and so you checked all the other house records in those years, but Tom wasn't in any of them. 

You sighed, putting back the book, why would the diary be here if he didn't go to Hogwarts? Maybe you were imagining this all... Maybe he just was left out of the records? You turned and looked at the clock, it was now 12pm and you were finally feeling tired. You looked over at the leather bound diary and bit your lip before picking it up and leaving the library, all the while only one thought circling your brain, who is this Tom Riddle?

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