Finding The Truth

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This chapter is going to be fairly short (sorry Aoibhe), but I had to make it in order for the story to work properly. So enjoy despite it being brief.

Aoibhe had to stay in the great hall that night while her dorm was being fixed. The ground underneath her was hard and uncomfortable, and she had to sleep in a tiny single person blue sleeping bag. Aoibhe debated many times talking to Tom, but after this morning and in the library, she couldn't bring herself to do it.

Instead she laid there and stared up at the ceiling, counting the many stars across it, willing her mind to finally sleep. But instead it wandered to thoughts of who was behind this all, the prank, the prophecy... Who the prophecy was about...

She had a strong feeling the prank was done by the Weasley twins, who were known for their endless idiocy, but there was no evidence towards them. They cleaned it all up nicely. Aoibhe's face automatically went into a frown at the thought of the brothers, sure they were fairly attractive, but their personalities immediately turned her off, too much trouble.

The thoughts of the attractive brothers made Aoibhe's mind wander to Tom again, she wondered what he might look like, feel like... Aoibhe remembered Trelawney's long boring classes, and her definite beliefs that people born in winter have derker eyes and hair. She imagined Tom to have black hair, sharp jaw, and, to go against Trelawney slightly, bright blue eyes.

Aoibhe fell asleep fantasizing about Tom, and how she imagined him. Consequently, Aoibhe's head filled with dreams of the man that night, although he looked slightly different, more real. As though you were actually with the man, at the same time however you noticed a faint glow around the edges of his body, as though he wasn't all there, that this was just a fragment of him.

His eyes were a deep, almost black, brown color. His hair had a wave to it, and his jaw was just as sharp as Aoibhe had imagined, as though it could cut ice. Aoibhe was standing in a dimly lit vast room, almost cave like. Tom was standing in the middle of the room, right in front of a giant carving of a man. He had a long beard that twirled around his face, and eyes so dead looking you jumped slightly at the sight of them. 

The floor was slightly wet, and when Aoibhe stepped she could almost feel the water on her feet, but she didn't care, instead wanting to get to the man before her. She knew from the moment she saw him that he was Tom, there was something about him that attracted her, made her sure it was him, that he was real.

As Aoibhe steps closer Tom starts to talk, his voice deep and inviting, but with a slight bite to it. "I've been waiting for you" he says as you approach him "And I you" Aoibhe responds affectionately, as she reached for him. But he pulls away from Aoibhe, as though her touch might burn him. This doesn't dissuade Aoibhe however, and she stays with the man.

"I need to show you something" he whispers in his alluring tone, and she nods silently, wanting to know more about the mysterious man. He turns around from Aoibhe, looking straight into the eyes of the carved man "This is Salazar Slytherin" Tom says, his voice growing louder as he continues to talk. "The founder of Slytherin house" and he motions towards the robes he's wearing, the Slytherin crest apparent on them. "I'm going to help finish what he started in this dreaded school, and you're going to help me" Tom turns back towards Aoibhe at this, staring her in the eyes with a cold malicious grin across his face.

He starts to whisper something, Aoibhe can't quite make it out at first, but as his voice grows louder she notices he's not talking in English, no he's talking in another language all together, something Aoibhe doesn't recognize until she hears something in the room responding to it.

Tom speaks in low hisses, parseltounge coming easy to him as though it was his first language. Aoibhe gulped deeply at the sound of it, the realization coming slowly to her as she looked around the vast cave. She heard as the giant snake responded to Tom's hisses, and as Salazar's mouth opened wide to allow the beast to slither out of it, fear overtook her as she fell to the ground, the giant snake coming ever closer to her.

Aoibhe jerked awake in the great hall, a cold sweat pouring down her back. The dream, she now realized, was more than that. It was real. Somehow Tom had transported her to his location, into what she now knew was the Chamber of Secrets... Aoibhe laid back down on her back, the diary hidden in her sleeping bag felt cold against her leg as she stared into the black enchanted sky above her. This couldn't be real, surely... There was only one known Slytherin parseltounge in the last 40 years... And there was only one prophecy about a student, made to help him.

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