I Fancy Tom Riddle

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Tom took a deep breath before jumping into the explanation of it all. He started before Aoibhe was even born, claiming that he needed to start from the beginning in order for her to truly understand it all. He explained how he was born into a love potion, his witch mother falling in love with a (he had to stop himself from swearing) muggle. However, his mother, being, as he had said, a dumbass, she trusted that Tom senior might truly love her and lifted the love potion. Although she was foolish and he left her. She then proceeded to die in child birth, leaving Tom in an orphanage alone.

Aoibhe looked at the foggy Tom and instantly felt bad, but she nodded along silently as he continued to talk. He explained how the kids didn't trust or like him in the orphanage, how he was an outcast... But he could do things the other kids couldn't. Tom learned of his magic at an early age, and used it to help himself. Aoibhe wanted to ask how he used it, if it was negative, but she didn't want to interrupt and so she kept her mouth shut as he continued. At the age of 11 Tom was told he was a wizard by Dumbledore himself and brought to study at Hogwarts.

He went through his years as Slytherin desperately searching for his past, trying to understand who he was. Tom grew vulnerable as he expressed his feelings of loneliness in his childhood years, how he felt out of step from everyone else... That's when he found what he wanted. He found out who his mother was, and how she was directly related to Salazar Slytherin himself. And through that she also found out about his father, and how he was a muggle. Tom was instantly ashamed, for he believed that his mother was weak to be in love with someone lesser than her.

Aoibhe felt self-conscious at this, did Tom think he was above her? That she was lesser than him? But surely he didn't, otherwise he wouldn't be telling her this. She shook this thought out of her head as Tom continued. He explained how he found his father, and Aoibhe flinched as he continued to say he murdered him, and his parents. Tom, seeing this, calmed down, and looked at the girl before her. "I did it for my own good, darling. You have to understand, this man had ruined my life" Aoibhe nods, looking into his eyes, although barely visible, they were mesmerizing, and she felt as though she was in a trance as she looked into them.

Tom went on, explaining how he started his own group of what he called followers, later known as death eaters, and they fell together in the belief that wizards were above muggles, and that it was meant to be like this, and that there was no such thing as good or bad, just power, and those too weak to seek it. 

Aoibhe thought over this statement for a moment, she supposed it was true. Throughout her life she never felt good or evil, in fact she could never truly assign either word to anyone's actions. She believed it was evil when Voldemort attacked her parents, but then she felt that Tom's explanation of it all fit. She felt like her mind was exploding at all the information, but she needed to know, and so she sat and listened.

Tom came to power, started going by the name of Voldemort, it was like this for many years, the first wizarding war started, and Tom was winning, he was going to end this with him in power, and then there was the prophecy. Tom explained how the prophecy was told about a child that would overtake him, and that that child is Harry Potter. Aoibhe nodded at this, knowing the story of how Voldemort fell, and the boy who lived.

Tom looked down at Aoibhe, staring into her eyes, her soul. "Harry Potter has the diary" he says, slowly, his voice growing deeper, stronger, at the boy's name. Aoibhe almost gasps at the news, but she keeps it in as she stares back at him. Aoibhe felt as though she had seen another side of the man who calls himself Voldemort, that she had truly seen into his soul, and that no one had seen this far into his life for a very, very long time. And because of this, because Aoibhe finally felt as though she could see into this man's life, that she understood all that he had done, that's why she said her next words. 

"What do we need to do?" she asks, nodding up at Tom, deciding there that she would fulfill the prophecy, she would help Tom Riddle come back to power, and destroy the wizarding world as they knew it. Because when she was with Tom, she felt as though nothing else mattered. And if she could keep feeling like this forever, she'd do anything for him.

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