Its Over, Isnt It?

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Tom continued to whisper to the snake, Aoibhe recognized some of the words, hissing, from earlier conversations but can't truly make out what any of it means.

Tom motioned towards her, saying to come nearer, and she obeys, keeping her eyes mostly closed she steps into the light once more and moves towards Tom. He wraps his long fingers around her waist and calms her "The snake will not hurt you, darling" he whispers into her ear, "He obeys me only, and I would kill before anything happens to you" Aoibhe smiles slightly at this, feeling the butterflies in her stomach come alive, and nods up at Tom, allowing her eyes to open fully.

She stared into his deep onyx eyes as behind them the Basilisk started slithering towards the boy. When she looked into the mans eyes the world disappeared around her and only he was visible, as if they were the only two on the earth. Tom smiled slyly at her and placed his cold hand on her cheek, caressing her chin with his thumb "We're going to be so happy together, darling" he whispers affectionately to the girl, and she looks at him lovingly and nods.

Its then, as Aoibhe looks into Tom's eyes, words forming on her lips, that it all goes downhill. They hear a cry from behind them and are broken out of their own world, thrown violently back into reality. Above them a Phoenix is flying, holding a misshapen object it drops at the young hero's feet "Fawkes..." Aoibhe and Harry both whisper in amazement at the same time.

The basilisk turns to the bird, and a fight ensues between the two as Harry, free of the snake's grasp, moves towards the brown heap of fabric the bird dropped, "So this is what Dumbledore brings his hero?" Tom says, looking down at the pathetic boy, "A song bird and an old hat? You're doomed Potter" Tom snarls, but above them Fawkes and the Basilisk cry, and blood is spattered from the snake's eyes.

Fawkes has blinded the basilisk. Tom and the snake both cry out, and Harry smiles up at the bird. Aoibhe steps back slightly, and looks at Tom with utter fear in her eyes, "You can still smell him!" Tom yells, slightly distressed, up at the snake, and it takes the creature a moment before taking a deep breath and slithering forward, towards the boy once more.

Aoibhe turns silently to Tom as the snake chases the boy deeper into the chamber, and is once again lost in his deep eyes "Tom..." She whispers, fear in her voice still apparent, "It's alright, my love. Nothing can derail our plan, the boy will still die" and at this he steps towards you "We're connected, darling, I won't let anything hurt us" and with that he turns back, covering her figure with his broad frame as the snake and boy approach once more.

"Kill him!" Tom yells in parseltongue at the giant snake, and it whips its tail around, catching the boys legs, making him fall to the ground. "Tom" Aoibhe whispers, "You're form" Tom was more clear than ever, and the girl lying on the floors face was growing paler and colder by the moment. The man laughed loudly at this, but it seemed Harry had realized the same thing, and screamed before running from the snake, grabbing the sorting hat along the way.

Tom and Aoibhe turned to see the boy run up the statue of Salazar Slytherin, tripping along the way on the damp floor of the cave, "Get the boy, get him!" Tom hissed at the basilisk, and the snake turned and started sniffing the air towards the boy. Harry, however, had found something worth his while hidden away in the raggedy old hat. The boy pulled out the shining sword of Gryffindor, stumbling slightly at its weight, and just as the snake came near, seconds away from pouncing at the young child, Harry drove the sword of Gryffindor into the beast's mouth, spraying dark blood from the wound.

The snake flailed for only a moment before falling limp to the ground, dead. Harry was astonished at his victory, but alas, his arm had been punctured by the basilisk's fang. At this sight, Aoibhe felt confidence grow inside her, and stepped closer to Tom, linking her arm in his as the boy lowered himself from Salazar's monument to the damp ground below. "It's over, Harry Potter" Tom said in a knowing tone, "The basilisk's venom will spread through your blood and kill you any minute now" Harry looked up, defeated, and both Tom and Aoibhe stared back triumphantly.

Harry was about to say something when behind them they heard the song of Fawkes again, "Doesn't that stupid song bird know when to go away?!" Aoibhe yelled at it "You've lost! There's nothing you can do" she says as the bird lands on the boy's shoulder "She's right Fawkes" Harry says to the little bird, "It's over" Fawkes, however, is not deterred by the statement, and places his head on the wound in Harry's arm. "What is he doing?" Aoibhe asks, looking to Tom, worry in her eyes again.

She feels a pit grow in her stomach at Tom's words, and pulls away from him, "Healing tears" Tom mutters, and his face falls as well at the realization "That's fine" Tom says, regaining his control "Get away you stupid bird!" He yells and shoves Fawkes away from Harry, "Ill just have to finish the boy myself!" And he grabs out Harry's wand, pointing it at the boys chest. "Avada-!" Tom starts as Aoibhe watches from the sidelines, but before he can finish, Harry has thrown himself aside, and grabbed the old diary. The green sparks hit the spot Harry was laying, and sizzle into nothing.

Harry, stopped only for a moment at his second escape from death that night, grabs the basilisk fang and holds it high above his head before pushing it down and puncturing the diary with it "NO!" Aoibhe yells, and lunges for the boy, but he moves too quickly, and stabs the diary again. Behind her Tom screams in agony, and Aoibhe is blinded by a light. "Tom!" She exclaims, running towards the collapsing man. She holds his frame in her arms as he breaks into small pieces.

"You" she says, turning towards the boy, who is now covered in the thick black ink oozing from the book "You did this!!" Aoibhe lunges for the boy, despite a pain hitting her hard in the stomach, and almost hits him when he stabs the diary once more, and she falls backwards, a sharp pain igniting in her abdomen. She doesn't let this or the sounds of Tom deter her, however, and she grabs her wand, pointing it at the boy. "AVADA KE-!" she starts, but the boy goes in again with the basilisk fang, hitting the diary once more, allowing the last of the ink to fall out of the diary and causing Aoibhe and Tom to both scream in pain.

Her knees fall to the ground as matching ink bursts from her own stomach, and she falls to her back, her head landing right beside Tom as the soul she had given him dies in both of them, and she bleeds out as he bursts into shining beams.

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