Chapter 5 breaking and entering part one

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" You need to stop blaming yourself find the key what does that even mean, " I said to myself as I was upgrading my night vision goggles while trying not to think about going back to bed not after that dream while looking at my bulletin board filled with my findings of searching Mr. Peterson's house and the locations of where some of the missing people or weird behavior that he been doing. While looking at the board I began wondering if the plan will work I mean it is full proof but Mr. Peterson knows that I have suspicions about him or....he might even know that I have been spying on him or worse he knows that Maritza and Trinity are in on it! I took a deep breath and try not to wake the whole neighborhood but the thought still lingered inside of me it was still there eating me on the inside but I was brought out of my thoughts by a car running I look out the window to see my parents backing out and going off to work I sighed and then went back to work on my goggles and started to just remind myself " just keep on tinkering Nicky " and with that I went back to trying to forget my awful sleep and to keep on tinkering.

As the sun was rising from the horizon (I think I don't know it was cloudyas the crows (annoyingly) croaked  I began walking to Maritza's house (In the cold rain) I use the map she gave me so I can find her house easily and gave a description on what it looks like so I don't get confused on which house it is. Once I got to the house I got a good look at it It was this big tall large house with nice white and light brown boards with nice clear windows with a nice chandelier and fancy blue rug and a nice white tealish welcome on it. I walk up to the door and rang the doorbell only to be greeted by a familiar boy with glasses " Enzo "!

He just look at me " Nicholas " we both just stared at each other not knowing what to do until a familiar girl called out " manito what are you doing " then stood Maritza with a shirt that was way too big for her that said disco craze crazy she had pink pajama pants with teddy bears on it and by the looks of it she seems to just got up the messy bed hair sums it all up but yet she still looks beautiful I mean nice, not beautiful I mean why am I so hot now? She then looks at me and the second she did her eyes lit up " N-N-Nick " she then stared at me I notice that her cheeks were a bright red but not with a raged look but with an embarrassed look. Before I even got a chance to speak she ran upstairs I then turn to Enzo " why are you here " I asked he then look at me with a tired look " I'm here to steal money what does it look like " he said " I don't know just- " that when it hit me I didn't even realize how similar Enzo look to Maritza oh aliens " your her brother aren't you " he then smirked and said, " yep I am her manito and she's my manita Enzo Miguel Esposito at your service my friend now why are you here in this wet weather "?  

I then look at him there is no chance that I'm going to tell him that I'm bringing his sister to break into an old man's house who will kill you with his mustache " I'm going to hang out with Maritza " he then looks at me with a curious look " how did you even meet Maritza " he said I then look at him and gave him his answer cause maybe he will stop hanging out with Ruben and Seth " she saves me from getting a beat up by Ruben and Seth he then looks at me with a really sad look and something else he looked ashamed " I'm so sorry Nicholas about them I swear I never meant any harm and I'm sorr- wait did you just say that Maritza saved you from a beat-up from them " I then sighed and nod " did they-" I then cut him off and said " almost I made sure that didn't happen " he then look at the ground and muttered something.

Before I can react I was grab and pulled down the street we then stop when we were half way down the hill I then look at Maritza who was now wearing a purple raincoat and blue shorts and her red iconic sneakers she then turn to me " did you tell him about those dim witted pigs " I nodded she then sighed " let hope he makes the right decision " I then replied with " I think he will he seems like a nice guy " she then nodded " he is but he just doesn't really make the right choice sometimes " and with that we began walking to trinity house which is three houses away from my house which why I would usually see her while walking to school we then knock on the the door to be greeted with Trinity we both said hi if you can call Maritza scowl a hello and Trinity's annoyed look to Maritza we then went into the house and down the hallway to living room to look around a bit Trinity's place was really nice it had loads of fancy furniture and a nice dark brown piano and pictures of Trinity and her parents attach to this blue and gold wallpaper I then turn to Maritza who was laughing at a picture of Trinity when she was a baby in high heels and with a crazy upwards hair and I have to say it was funny " oh oh Trinity your such a great baby with those high heels you would be great in a fashion show with that cute little pink flower diaper " I chuckled quietly I then look at Trinity who just smerked " well it can beat your unibrow you had as a baby " I then laugh like crazy cause that was a hilarious comeback I then look at Maritza who look like she was trying to melt me with her eyes  " laugh it up Pinocchio " I then kept giggling and I started to speak " oh come on that was funny " she then turn away from me with her face forming into a pouting look but then Trinity spoke up " okay enough we are wasting time come on " Maritza then turn to me and stick out her tongue at me and then we both went outside to where we can watch Mr Peterson from a far distance.

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