chapter 7 breaking and entering part three

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" oh my god," Trinity said while taking steps back I look at Maritza who as well is taking steps back farther than Trinity yet they still hold the same fear in their eyes. Even looking at them you can tell they want to run away I then look at the sign " Welcome to hell " it kept saying in my mind but I decide to ignore it. I then look at the paint that was used for it the color was this dry rotten brown but it wasn't graffiti-style it was just messy writing and old looking even the lights that lit up with it are either cracked open or dirty like the funhouse itself.

I kept looking at it until I felt a hand on my shoulder I then look at Trinity who give me a worried look but I then look back at the Fun House " you do know it probably oh I don't know.....a trap! " Maritza said I then respond quickly " yea I know but....we need to see where he is and why he is here " Trinity then turn to me " you really expect that going into a funhouse that has a creepy sign that lit up when we just made it to the front of the place that says welcome to H E double hockey sticks is going to turn out all fine and dandy " I then freeze and rub my upwards spikey hair " well when you put it like that- " I then got punched in the shoulder by Maritza " you dummy you need to think about these things ".

 I then just stood there like an idiot and then thought of another idea on how to search the house " what about going through the window with a weapon? " They both looked at each other and shrugged " do we have a weapon, " Maritza asked me after going to the sign that was laying on the ground then I look back at them with the sign in my hand " okay that could work, " Maritza said before Trinity look at her " I mean it not a bat but....sigh if I die then I'm blaming you " I then nodded before stepping in front of them and funhouse " I will go first," I said as I took my first steps toward the front door. 

As I walk towards the door I hold the sign close to me as I reach the steps with ever so caution and the feeling of dread that came with it as reach the steps of the funhouse. I then put my left hand on the door and turn the knob and slowly it then open it. The place was in complete silence other than the sound of a fainted breathing behind me I then unhook my flashlight from my belt and turn it on which got me a better look at the room the floor was covered in moss in a damp and lifeless room something that you wouldn't see in a funhouse. I then look at two hallways that were both split up on the left and right sides with a dusty mirror in the middle I turn around to face the door the sign still in hand " guys it's safe but dark " I then walk around a bit mainly because I had nothing to do then I look to the ground to see some moss it looks pretty dry from it color it was just this dark green.

 I then look at the ceiling to see a giant hole in the wall it looks like it was made from something heavy or maybe from something else even just from being uncared for a long time of being forgotten in this place. " oh Dios this place isn't creepy at all " Maritza said I then nodded and began to think of what to do and how to not get caught by Mr. Peterson if he still here. I then look to where the hallways were I know Mr. Peterson would have taken any of these paths if anything the best outcome would be splitting up " okay if we are going to search this place we-" "split up "I then stop and look at Trinity " we are going to split up that what you were going to say " I then look at her then nodded " Yeah I thought so ."

I just put my hand on the back of my neck and then just stand there that is when Trinity decided to take out a flashlight from her purse and turn it on " okay you stay with Maritza I'll go on the left side while you and Maritza take the right " before I got to respond to what she was doing she kept talking " and use our earpieces once we get to a room or what at the end of the hallway " but then I stop her " okay first off are you going on your own " she then responded very quickly " yes " I then look at her " are you sure I mean I'm fine with going alone- " she then stop me " I was the lookout plus I'm sure you will work well together anyway rather than me and her" I was about to say something but I stop cause I knew she was right " well okay just careful and contact us if you find something or Peterson okay " I said " got it good luck " she said and with that, we both went our separate ways.

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