Chapter 14 Peterson's targets

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" Come on pick up, " I said to myself as I hold the phone to my ear " come on " I try to wait a few mins but it was taking forever even though it was just a few seconds I felt my stomach getting into knots but that stop when I heard a tired voice on the line " hello," she said " Maritza I need to talk to you, " I said I was trying to not sound scared or weird but it wasn't working at least I think but the sigh that I heard on the line told me that I failed " what wrong now," she said her voice sounding annoyed but I chose to ignore it " I need you to meet me at my house with Trinity, " I said but when I did there was a dead silence " now? "

I blink " um yes, " I said in the worse way possible " we just got home I swear give me a reason on why I should come " tell her that Mr. Peterson is locking a bag of mya's size in Mya's room I look around the room, okay I'm going insane " Nick you there " I turn around to the phone and started to speak " Mr. Peterson putting a bag is that is Mya's size in her room, " I said it went all silent I didn't hear her breathing or her tired grunting.

I was going to talk but she started to talk " I'll get Trinity " I was about to respond but there was a dead silent " hello...hello..hello " well I guess she coming...I need an apple I went to the kitchen and plop a single green apple in my mouth and I went back to just watching the house across the street which was difficult to do when you have a black eye I couldn't even put my binoculars to my good eye ugh why did those Idiots choose today to come and beat me up.

I stood in my room for a while waiting for Maritza and Trinity and watching the Neighbor's house with my good eye, to be honest, it was boring but I was used to it. I just sat in my room for a while until I hear a phone ringing downstairs.

I thought it was the girls' ether calling me for some reason or some scammer or a prank call but yet here I am going to it and getting the phone " hello " I said but it was followed up by a deep voice " Narf " oh god no it was dad

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I thought it was the girls' ether calling me for some reason or some scammer or a prank call but yet here I am going to it and getting the phone " hello " I said but it was followed up by a deep voice " Narf " oh god no it was dad.

I figure he would hear about the school, of course, he would be great " oh...hey dad how are you " IDIOT " Narf what happen at school today and are you okay " he asked I wanted to sigh but that wouldn't be a good idea at all I just told him the truth except the part where they have been bulling me for months " oh Narf... I'm so sorry that happen to you...ugh that school didn't even give me information on what happened " he said dad was always the person I could count on even though he never around anymore and...he only person I could count in the past " it not your fault " I said he only sighed " well I'm going to make it up to you I'm going bring a nice slice chocolate cake home for you " those two words got my mouth drooling " aw thanks dad I would love some cake " I said I needed that.

There was a chuckle on another side " of course Narf, oh and hey I hear about you meeting Miguel oh I knew that Maritza was his daughter " he said I felt a smirk coming on my face " yea she is very smart and talented " I said with a smile " well that good I'm glad you found a friend " he said.

I agreed with him but I had a question that I wanted to ask him since he left this time " when are you getting home " I asked it went silent I only heard dad giving a sad sigh " I honestly don't know narf I been trying to take up a lot of reports from the other town and spending a Night in Raven City to report a weird apartment with station up dummies " he said I felt my heart drop but I try to keep myself in check "okay...I...hope you have a good day " I said there was a bit of silent at the end until he finally responds " yea you too narf...oh don't go to school tomorrow I want you to rest tomorrow " oh thank god and aliens " yes thank you dad I really needed it that " I said " of course love you and mom is trying to get home in she should be home in two days alright have a good day narf " he said and with that, we hang up.

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