Chapter 18 The Librarian

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I focused on the pages of the book seeing page after page, drawing after drawing, as the sunlight lit up the room, helping me see better but it only bother me I couldn't help to rub my left eye and sigh " well narf time to act like you slept good. " I got up and started to do some stretches because I felt like the aliens drain my human energy maybe because that was pretty much what happened but perhaps it was god himself or just lack of sleep but I didn't bother to care about myself because I was too busy cleaning up the couch to make sure there was no evidence I was here so Mr. Esposito and Miss. Esposito wouldn't know. Once I was done I was planning on continuing to study the observation notebook but I wanted to explore more since now the rooms were now no longer shadowed by darkness.

I found myself walking down the hallway that led to the bathroom, I walk there because it was the only place I could see Esposito's pictures that were hung up on the wall. While they were pretty much the same, with all of them just having a picture of each family member doing something together or apart they were fascinating to me because I have never seen this many photos before, mainly because they all looked so happy with each other, while I couldn't do stuff like fishing, soccer, engineering, spend more time with my parents.

I continue to look at the picture until I heard footsteps. I turn around only to be scared by a single boo that makes me jump back only to see the two siblings " ha got you, Nicky " she said with a gentle smirk as I rolled my eyes playfully " yea you got me, your getting better at that " I replied which got her to smile even bigger than before " thanks, you're making it easy for me " she said, to which I grin at her " oh I'll get you back, that I swear to holly aliens and god, I will have my revenge " I grin.

I look up to her brother " you look like crap " I said to him to which he just smirks " yea, well you don't look so hot ether " I let a laugh hoping Mr.Peterson wouldn't hear me " but seriously you look worse did you even sleep " Aaron asked, to which I was just stood there not really knowing how to respond " y-yea I didn't sleep that good " I said to which he put his hand on my shoulder " next time try to go back to sleep " he said to me while rolled my eyes " yea well I can't, i-it not easy I'm not as lazy as you " I said but then he gave me a punch on the shoulder " oh please you can't even get out of bed most of the time " he said as I rolled my eyes " okay but seriously you need sleep " he said " okay fine what do you got to say " I asked as Mya lean against the wall " well you know how you like engineering and how it makes you more relax, well it like sleeping, try thinking of ideas that you could build or make adjustments to and the more that you think the more time you drift off. "

His eyes sparked as he smiled revealing his white teeth that were almost perfect looking as his smile, but yet it had an effect on me that made me put a smile on my face " thanks for the advice, I might use it someday" I said he let out a sigh " well you better use it tonight because this is our last sleepover since your parents are coming home tomorrow " he said " yea they have been doing a lot of work " I said a little quietly only for Aaron to speak " well at least they will be back and you can hang out with them. "

I was about to talk until Mya let out a cough " you should get your breakfast before I steal yours " she said only for Aaron to grin at her " oh you are a little thief if you dare lay finger on the pancakes I will use a gamma ray to destroy you " he said only for her to roll her eyes " I wasn't talking to you " she smirk, as I felt a little grin on face " oh that how going to be...well SEEYA " I yelled as ran pass her " GET BACK HERE YOU ALIEN BUTTLER " she screamed behind me as we both came down the stairs, both of us laughing as well ran through the halls, with the floors squeaking from our footsteps and the halls echoing our laughter only to stop once when I hit something in front of me that made me fall to the ground cause me get up and look up to see Mr.Peterson as fear was now all I felt " what are you doing boy I can hear you from the living room " he growed at me making nervous with his russian accent putting me on edge as I felt myself trying to make out a word but it never came out.

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