Chapter 19 behind the darkness there is light

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There was darkness surrounding me as my body felt extremely heavy almost as if there was an entire house on me, furniture and all. I continued to look around I still saw nothing but darkness but there was a strangely familiar feeling that the night brought to me, it was almost like it was trying to get me to feel safe. It was like nothing could hurt me but then there was the other familiar feeling of being alone. I wanted to scream but for some reason but my throat felt dry and my body felt like it was lying down on something soft but I couldn't bring myself to move I only felt one function that I was able to move but it was a painful process that involved me in getting up but my body wouldn't allow me, I was trap in the darkness of my mind. My knees started to give out and I fell to the pure dark ground that felt like nothing except squishy and soft for some reason but that was the least of my problems. The real problem was being in dark I didn't like it, especially when I was alone in whatever coma or prison I was in, and the tears were the worst part as I didn't do anything to stop them as darkness truly consume me.

I accept it as I lost all feeling in my body almost as if I was being separated from it. Yet I felt like heard something almost as if it was a very loud voice that was screaming at me, in a weird way felt like it was the stupid crows that would wake everyone up in the morning just to get a sick thrill out of it even though no one likes that especially me. I try to ignore it but it got louder to the point where I thought I was going insane, as it kept getting louder and soon the pitch-black void of space shed a bright light that came into view. The light started to get brighter and brighter and soon I felt my body again I was face to face with two silhouettes and a bright familiar energetic voice that felt alive " morning sleepy head, it's time to get up we got things to do."

I look to the right of me to see a familiar boy with messy wild dark auburn hair with a beautiful smile that was below his hazel eyes and just below those, was him wearing a pink and white button-up shirt and dark blue shorts. He sat down on a chair next to my bedside as I stared at him as I felt like having a panic attack " a-aa-Aaron " I stuttered, he smiled " yea who else " he gave me a smirk that would bring me to the verge of tears if I didn't feel tired and broken. " Well unfortunately you had to be the first thing he got to see when he woke up " a small familiar sweet voice spoke to my left and without hesitation, I turn around to see a beautiful young girl with red hair that was in a pigtail following her were her bright green eyes that were surrounded by freckles only having her smile taking second place as I saw her purely white teeth that shine hope on to others.

Her beautiful emerald green eyes met my reddish brown eyes that start tearing up as I fumbled with my words as I try to spit out any words I possibly can, and fortunately, I was able to stutter something with my stupid mouth " M-My-Mya?" Once I said that she smiled at me " yep the great and perfect Peterson " she said as I stare at her in awe until I heard a scoff right next to me " yea right, if I could give every nickel to every Peterson in the family I would give you a button " Aaron replied as Mya stuck her tongue out at him " oh shut up Aaron " but Aaron didn't stop instead he just rolled his eyes " only until you stop, papaya " Aaron held a smirk on his face as Mya was pretty much redder than Mr.Peterson's tomatoes. " Stop calling me that " Mya screamed as Aaron start teasing her " Mya Papaya eats farts and- " Aaron suddenly stop once Mya slightly push him and then the room went silent once mya finished the brawl that they started " SHUT UP CAT " she screamed in his face which somehow that made him smirk " Oh Mouse if only if I can, but seeing you get so mad is so enjoyable " Aaron smirk with his teeth being shown as he pokes her on the sleeve which just provokes Mya to get madder to point where it looks like her face was turning red " stop it or I will tell mom " she screamed in his face " oh please she would just say tough up because that what I would do " he smiled as he said that with Mya sticking her tongue out at him and then for a few seconds of slient she punch him the gut " oof oww crikes MYA IT WAS JUST much for being a princess " he muttered as Mya just let out a chuckle " oh I'll show you a princess. "

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2023 ⏰

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