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Travis' pov: a/n this chapter will start as a journal entry entries will be written in italics  aka this thing ok on with the story ❤︎
Tw: slurs if I need to add any others pls tell me
I have this dream that I'm hitting my dad with a baseball bat and he is screaming and crying for help and maybe halfway through I think it has more to do with killing him that it ever did protecting myself... and yeah dad maybe no one is perfect but I believe that you were pushing your luck, I mean how hard is it to not beat your kid over him liking the color purple... was it really impossible to not scream at me when I said I want to wear a bracelet that mom gave me.
"Stop wasting your time and get dressed"
"Oh ok, sorry father I was just writing some reminders."
"Well you should be reminding yourself to stop being a fag" A/n I am gay do not worry im also Some gender  🤧
"Im not a homosexual.."
"Are you back talking me 🤨"
"N-no sir I was jsut agreeing with you."
"Good now get your ass up and out the door."
"Yes father."
As I get dressed I choose to wear a long grey shirt with jeans bc it's kinda chilly out. I grab a pop tart (the cinnamon ones bc they are the only good ones other than fudge) and head out the door.
The route to the bus stop is a bit long and since mom is away for a reason father won't tell me, she can't drive me there.
When I reach the bus stop who do I see... 🥁🥁🥁🥁 none other then the number one homo sal fisher with his ador-ugly sky blue hair and that mask, and guess who's with him the number one sewer rat wannabe 😹👎 hopefully this bus ride doesn't suck. As the ride goes on I hear them talking about something faggoty. I open up my book that I may have bought behind my fathers back but shhh he doesn't need to know. When the bus nears school I hear sal say something about the mall and Saturday. Oh fuck no I have to go to the mall Saturday to get clothes. At least my mom will be there she lets me get whatever clothes I want.

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