Chapter 1

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"JULIE!!!" I heard Flynn call me out in the hallway before stopping next to my locker panting out of air

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"JULIE!!!" I heard Flynn call me out in the hallway before stopping next to my locker panting out of air.

"It's summer! " She said waving her hands in the air in excitement.

"Mm-hmm, it is," I said, putting my books in my bag before locking my locker and walking with Flynn towards the exit of the school.

" Excited for tomorrow?" Flynn asked.

 " Oh yeah, can't wait!" I said cheerfully, trying my best to keep up with a bright smile. Only then I saw Flynn frown at me, and I realized I wasn't acting up well.

"Come on Jules, it's only going to help you move on," Flynn said smiling keeping her arms on my shoulders. 

"I know. " I said as the students walked out, bidding goodbye to each other since it was the last day of school before the summer holidays started.

I bid Flynn goodbye and headed home. Upon entering I saw Carlos lying on the sofa with his mobile and then saw Dad cooking something in the kitchen. He soon noticed me and smiled.

"Hey Mijà, Packing's done?" Dad said with his usual cheerful smile.

"Yup, almost done" I said as I grabbed an apple from the fruit basket from the kitchen

"Great! Will drop you and Flynn tomorrow at 11 am right?" Dad asked.

 " Yeah. " I said. Dad then mumbled me an okay.

So what actually happened was that me and Flynn and had won some kind of a lottery which rewarded the young students to a trip to San Fransisco. We were preparing for this trip for the last four months. There did not go a day where Flynn didn't discuss it with me. But the trip was allowed for only two people without any guardian. But that wasn't the problem at all. We were both mostly mature to take care of ourselves as well as each other. Though it did hurt to leave Dad alone. I could only hope that he would be okay

" I love you Papa" I said suddenly on instinct.

" I love you too Mijà" Dad said it back before embracing me

Carlos soon noticed us and decided to join the 'family hug', it felt wonderful to be with them, but my heart wrenched to realize that mum was not with us.

" I wish mum was there" I said.

 " She's always there with us Mijà, you can't see her, but you know she will always remain in your hear" Dad said.

" I know."

I then went to my room and started packing. After I was done in the evening, I decided to watch a Disney movie. I texted Flynn 'Good night' after a little chat and went to sleep.

* Next Day* 

I woke up at 7 am, though I wanted to sleep more I had to do my last-minute check up and get ready. I took bath and wore a white top with a denim jacket on it with blue denim jeans. I tied up my hair into a bun and got down. I did my last moment checkup before looking up at the clock to see that it was 9:30 am already. I walked downstairs and sat next to Carlos and had a little chit- chat before breakfast.

After few minutes, dad approached us, and we had breakfast. I didn't eat much since I didn't want to get air sickness and throw up during my journey. 

Flynn soon called me to say that she was ready and will be reaching the airport soon. I bid bye to Carlos as me and my dad got into the car

" Take care of yourself Julie," Dad said.

" I will dad " I say with a smile.

" Don't go to places you don't know; don't get too keen on things you understand, okay? " Dad asked.

" Okay, Dad. " I said.

" Have fun, enjoy your vacation Jules, I have asked Flynn to take care of you." Dad said.

" You know, probably it's going to be me who'll care for her. Also, you don't have to worry about me dad, I can take care of myself." I said.

"That's my girl." Dad said with a tender smile.

The ride to the airport was a short one. Dad took off my luggage, to the luggage trolley before approach the entrance. Dad bid me my final goodbyes before we entered the airport. I then saw Flynn inside where she gave me a hug. 

"Yayy! Excited?" Flynn asked.

" Yess! " I said with the same cheerfulness in her voice, " Look at these! " Flynn said showing some photos of a resort and the place they'll be visiting,

We then checked-in, got through the security gates and approached to our boarding gates. Before we knew it, we were boarding to our flight. I then got a message from dad: "Boarded?"  I had then responded with the message with a" Yes".

Me and Flynn sat next to each other and started getting bored talking, which we generally didn't. Flynn then took out her earphones and started listening to her downloaded song's playlist. 

I loved music, but it wasn't something I could listen to throughout the flight, So before I knew it I was asleep.


Yayy finally wrote the 1st chapter, might write the 2nd one today too, I know this really short will try to write long ones, also Luke will be entering the story probably in next chapter.

Hope y'all liked it <3

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