Chapter 3

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"AHHHHHH" I shouted as loud as I can for 4-5 seconds, and with me he shouted too, until I covered my mouth with my hands to realize that I am in a closed museum, after which I get knocked out

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"AHHHHHH" I shouted as loud as I can for 4-5 seconds, and with me he shouted too, until I covered my mouth with my hands to realize that I am in a closed museum, after which I get knocked out. 

I open my eyes slowly after probably few minutes " Hey, you ok? " said the something/someone, after which I move away from him.

" What are you? Who are you? " I said shivering with a terrified voice.

" I am Luke, Luke Patters- " He said

" How did you come out of that book? " I asked

"Oh, umm, that's because I am a cursed lifer and the book was probably the object I got trapped into " He said. 

"O-K " I nod my head up to down in slowly, not able understanding anything he had just said.

" By the way, thanks for setting me free, how did you free me? " He asked, I didn't look at him but I could sense he was following me.

" I touched that book " I started to walk faster

" Woah, nice " He said.

" I didn't get your name. " He said.

" It's Julie " I said turning around, walking faster.

" Great, so do you live here in the museum? " He said.

" No, of course not, I don't even live in San Francisco " I said, still not looking at him

" What year is it right now? " He asked.

 " 2022 " I answered.

" That means I was literally trapped in their for 25 years." He mumbled, which I heard, 

" 25 Years? In that book? How's that possible? " I said turning around to face him.

" Yeah, it's kinda crazy and a long story. " He said.

" This whole thing is craz-" I said before being cut off by Flynn as I reach the gate.

" Jules, are you ok? " Flynn asked with concern.

" Yeah, I am " I answered. " I told you to go back, what are you doing here?" I asked.

" Don't expect this crazy best friend of yours to leave you alone here " Flynn said But it seemed she was only looking to me and not towards Luke.

"Can you see him? " I asked " Who? " said Flynn

" Hey, I am Luke. " said Luke, but she ignores him clearly because she couldn't see him.

" THIS IS CRAZY" I held Flynn's hand and started to walk swiftly, but I forgot to close the office room because of which I asked her to wait, I couldn't see Luke while I came back but as soon as I opened the office room's door he scared me with a " Boo! "

" STOP IT, I fainted once, I can't faint once again. Oh wait stop talking to it Julie, there are no such things as cursed lifing " I said mumbling the last words.

" Cursed Lifer " He said firmly.

I sighed and walk away and turn around, " Look, I am so sorry for you that you were trapped inside that book for 25 years, I only touched the book and set you free because I heard a weird melody from it, now I don't hear it anymore after touching the book and I don't know why, but I really think I should be leaving and visit a doctor tomorrow, also go from here before someone sees me sneaking inside a closed museum. "I said after which I walk away and get back to Flynn.

 "I said after which I walk away and get back to Flynn

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" Do you hear that melody thing anymore? " said Flynn.

" No I don't " I said turning around to not see him.

" Who was I supposed to see, you were asking me about it. " Flynn said.

" Umm, no one " I lied because if I told her that I met a thing called cursed lifer, she'd tell my dad that I have got a mind illness, and he'll take me back to Dr. Turner for real.

" This really is a crazy night " Flynn said.

" Yes it is, also kinda scary" I said as we both slightly chuckled and walked away to the hotel, which wasn't that far.

We reach the hotel and have our dinner, I then say good night to Flynn and go to my room. I try to digest things which just happened, it was scary and the melody was something I didn't want to go to but as if my heart desired it.

I write down all this in dream box which I brought here because I knew there are going to be numerous things going on while I am here, to get off my mind, though I was scared, I still found him cute. Who knows if I'll meet him again?

 Who knows if I'll meet him again?

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And that's it, this was chapter 3 for y'all, will update tomorrow.

Hope y'all liked it <3

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