Chapter 14

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I woke up at 9 in the morning as I smiled as I remembered the events of last night, I get ready and go for breakfast and reveal about everything that happened yesterday to Flynn

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I woke up at 9 in the morning as I smiled as I remembered the events of last night, I get ready and go for breakfast and reveal about everything that happened yesterday to Flynn.

" Woah, so sad I missed them all " Flynn said frowning, " But glad you didn't had to face Carrie " I said taking a sip of cranberry juice. " By the way, Luke complimented you well today " Flynn said moving her eyebrows up with a big grin, " Yeah, I mean that's what anyone else would, wouldn't they? " I said

" Come on, Jules, it's a hint, he likes you " Flynn said, " Pfft, no, not at all, maybe if he did, I can't touch him or feel him or I know much about his past life " I said. " Then you should find out a way, Jules " Flynn said which popped an idea to my head. " Oh my god, Flynn! You are a genius " I said taking last sip of the juice as I went back to Luke's room 

" Hey Luke " I said knocking as he immediately replied. " Come in " He said as I entered in, he was writing something in an notebook on the piano, which I assumed to be the lyrics of a song" Looks like someone's working on a song " I said as moving towards the piano as he looked at me sharply.

 " Come in " He said as I entered in, he was writing something in an notebook on the piano, which I assumed to be the lyrics of a song" Looks like someone's working on a song " I said as moving towards the piano as he looked at me sharply

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" Yeah, I have been trying to write the lyrics, but I think it's going to impossible, I have been working on it for hours " He said looking exhausted as I looked at it, it was titled "Fly as high"

I sit beside him and grab a pen from his hand, " Hey, do you know how long it took me to hold that pen? " Luke said " Yeah, but I am only going to help you " I said as I started to add more lines to it

Together we will fly to the eternity of skies, And live all the dreams like it would last forever  I wrote as he took the pen and added The dreams that come to reality and shine till infinity like no ot-her  He wrote as we kept adding lyrics to it and after an hour, suddenly we realized that we wrote the song

" It's it! Thanks Julie " Luke said taking the notebook in his hands and putting it up as I smiled at him

" By the way, Luke " I started "Hmm? " Luke said 

" I was wondering what you said about the time warp thing in the museum, you know nothing of it happened last time I went there, so I was thinking you would go to the museum with me and find out more about you " I said
" Sure, it's sounds great, when shall we go? " Luke said
"I was thinking tonight " I said. " In the night, don't you think it'd be a little, you know scary? " Luke said, "Ooh looks like someone's getting scared " I said chuckling.
"Pfft, Oh not at all " Luke said "Great then, at 7 then? " I asked " Yeah " Luke said

* At 6:30 pm *

I get ready as I hear a knock on the door " You ready? " Luke asked.
" Yeah " I said as I opened the door
" Is Flynn coming? " Luke asked
" No, it's all a little risky, I don't want her to be worried for me " I said closed the door and then walking out of the hotel. I booked a cab to drop me there, Luke could have poofed there directly but he instead joined me because he was probably scared to go near the museum alone.

" Looks like a museum has scared the Luke Patterson " I whispered sarcastically so that the driver couldn't hear me.
" No, I mean- Yeah, last time it was all so creepy, don't want to get in some sort of trouble again " Luke said.
" Yeah " I said with a nod as the driver looked at me from the front mirror, as I smiled awkwardly we reach there in 20 minutes

As the cab leaves, it was a lonely street again, the only thing which seems to be there except me and Luke was a blinking street light. " You were right, all this is too creepy " I said looking around as Luke nodded 

" Come on, this way " He said directing me towards the door which I entered before, we went there silently and again no one was to be seen
" Looks like it's only us " I said
" Yeah " Luke said as we entered inside.


And that's chapter 14 for y'all, made it short for building up the suspense :D

Also make sure to check out the next chapter which probably will be out in 2 days, it will be solving most of the mysteries built up in the story till now

Hope y'all liked it <3

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