The Party

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Hi sorry I need to interrupt again for a sec :) I noticed I've been spelling so things wrong like Peppe and papa so I'm very sorry. In the comments someone said to spell it like Pepa? So I'll just stick with that for now :) also if you do spot any big spelling mistakes in the story please tell me so I can edit them out:) thanks so much everyone

Dolores told me to close my eyes. I took papás hand and closed them tight. "Try not to time travel this time" papá whispered. I squeezed his hand and grinned.

"Ok now open them!" said Luisa.

When I opened my eyes, all my cousins were in a circle? And in the middle of the circle was a box? "Open it!!" Said Mirabel excitingly.

I knelt down and lifted the flaps up one by one on the cardboard box. "Reach inside!" squeeled Mirabel.

I reached down into the box, and lifted out A PUPPY!!

It was a small golden retriever that would grow in time, his tail was wagging and his was licking my ear. "Thank you so so much cousins!" I beamed. "He really likes you" winked Antonio.

Papá knelt down to pet him. "What should we name him?" he asked. "Lollipop!" I replied. Papá laughed. "What about biscuit?" he asked.
A grin spread across my face and I nodded in delight.

"Well come on" smiled Isabella. "You can take the dog down to the party with us"

We all went back downstairs where music was playing and food was lay out. Abuela was talking to some of the townspeople.

I ran over to the table where the treats baked by tía Juilieta were. Mhm she makes the best cookies ever.

Some of the kids from the town ran over to me to ask some questions. "So you have time travel?" asked one of them. "Show us!" said another.

"I can't right now" I replied. "I'm eating food and dancing at the party."

"Pleaseeee" said another kid. "You should go back in time somewhere cool!"

I was now surrounded by kids asking me questions. "You should go back to world war 2!" one suggested. " or to the future of you next birthday so you can open presents!"

"No no no" put in another kid. "She should go back to yesterday so this whole day can restart and she can have all the fun again!"

"That would be cool" I giggled. "Then do it!" they said.

"Ok fine, I'll go back to yesterday but only for a couple seconds ok?"


I shut my eyes and thought of what I was doing this time yesterday. Probably helping tío Augustine put up decorations.

I opened my eyes to find my self sitting in the kitchen with tía Juilieta.

"You must be tired from all that decorating."
she said. "Would you like a brownie?"

"Ofcourse!" I grinned. She handed me a fresh from the oven chocolate brownie.

"Yummy" I said taking a big bite.
Once I finished it I closed my eyes shut again and thought of the party I was just at.

I opened them. I was still in the kitchen? "Are you ok y/n?" Asked tía Juilieta. "Why were you closing your eyes?"

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