The future yet to come.

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I sat there. I didn't know what to do. I'm 5 years old, and just got a gift I don't know how to control. I'm stuck in the past, and nobody knows. My papá must have noticed by now. But he can't to anything about it.

I closed my eyes, tears were still flooded over my face. I don't want to be stuck in the past. I want to return to the future. I want travel to the future, to my home. Please.

You know what, I'm going to stand up and put a brave face on. Just like papá said to if your ever upset and can't do anything about it. I opened my eyes and stood up.

Wait, I'm no longer in the dark tunnel. I'm standing in the nursery. What year is it? Why am I here? I rush out the door. What's happening? I'm so overwhelmed I can't even speak. I want to shout out at the top of my lungs and find help. But no noise comes out. I crash to the floor and lean against the wall.

I look around me, all the family's doors are still here, wait but, Abuelas door, it's gone to darkness. And so has-

I'm so confused. I stand up and run downstairs, I can hear noise coming from the dining room. Should I go in? Maybe my papá is there. Just seeing his face might make me feel better.

I step closer to the dining room and take a peep around the corner like I did in the past.

The family is all seated around the table. But like last time, papá can not be seen. Everyone looks much older, which means I'm somewhere in the future. Dolores has a child sitting in her lap, a girl. She looks about a year younger then me and has big curls in her hair and a silk red dress on.

Everyone has changed a lot, but I spot another difference at the end of the table. The picture, it used to be the madrigal family tree. But now it's a tall portrait of Abuela.

Isabella stands up from the table. "It is this time 2 years ago, that we lost our Abuela."

The room fell silent. "Today we honour her. And all the other madrigals who are no longer here with us, like Bruno. And y/n"

The child who was sitting on Dolores lap started to pull her mothers hair. "Mama mama" she said. "How did Bruno and y/n die?" She asked. Dolores looked at her. "Bruno did not die. But after the disappearance of y/n the day she got her gift, Bruno ran away. He was unable to handle it." Dolores explained.

"Did y/n die?" the girl asked with a puzzled look. "We don't know, her gift was time travel and when she was trying to show some kids her new power, she. She disappeared." said Luisa.

I was stunned. I couldn't move. I can't be stuck here forever. I'm not going to spend my life running through time.

"So she's gone forever?" asked the girl with a frown. "Well it's been 6 years." continued Dolores. "So I'm afraid so."

No I'm not. I'm not gone. I'm right here. I should tell them. I need to talk to them. My papá. Where is he. I need him.
I peep back around the corner to see Juilieta and Pepa handing out desert. I'm going to go out and talk to them.

They all start to dig in while my brain is still processing the information. Abuela is dead. Papá is gone. I am missing.
This is all just so crazy. Why did I have to get time travel. I don't even know how to use it. All I wanted to do was show some kids my gift. Then I was stuck in the past. And now I'm trapped in the future. A dark dark future. I don't want to be here.

Im about to walk right into the dining room when I feel something at my foot. I look down to see biscuit licking my shoe. I kneel down to pet him. "Hey boy" I whisper. "You got so big! Did you miss me?"

To be honest I don't think he recognised me. I only had him for 5 minutes before I disappeared, but it's still great to see him and cheers me up a little. I hear the front door shut.  I run and duck down behind a plant pot.

It's just Mariano. His daughter comes out and runs into his arms. "Hola Measha!" says Mariano lifting his daughter up. "Papá! Papá!" Squeals Measha. I want my papá.

After they enter the dining room, I decide it's time for my entrance. I think it's the right thing to do, I'm five. I can't run around different centuries forever. I'm sure someone from my family can help me, explain to me how to fix everything.

I stand up from behind the plant and race into the dining room.

"Help me"

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