Taking control

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The next morning papá came into my room at 8 to wake me up. "Y/n, get up I need to show you something" he said pulling me out of bed. He took my down to the bottom of the stairs where a ring of sand was laid, with two small piles in the middle.

"I saw something, in a prophecy" said papá sitting down. "Take a look"

"What are you going to do papá??" I asked. "Just watch" he smiled.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of salt, then threw it behind him. Then he closed his eyes as a whirl wind circled us. He opened his eyes, they were wide open and glowing green. It was kinda creepy.

"Look!" he said, and pointed to a figure walking along the wind. It was me.

Then in the vision, papá came over to me and I nodded. I closed my eyes and vanished. And a couple seconds later so did papá.

I looked over at him to see his eyes stop glowing, then the ring of wind or sand or whatever it was disappeared.

"I think you have to learn to control your power, then you can go back to the party and none of this would have ever happened." said papá getting up and brushing himself down. "But how do I do that?" I asked.

"We will train you to control your mind. To stay in the zone, and then when we think your ready we will try have you time travel to the next day. You might get stuck in a complete different year but it's worth a try. If your up for it?"

I nod my head.

"We will begin practicing today. And tomorrow afternoon if you have enough focus and control, we will run the test" papá said taking my hand. "I'm sorry you have to stay in the future so long, and that your world is upside down. But it's just to risky to send you anywhere now that we have you here."

"It's ok papá, I don't mind." I smiled. "Then let's go begin our practise, the familia is going to help us out"
He led me into the dining room and sat me down. Then tia Pepa came in and sat beside me.

"Ok y/n, for our first practise we will be doing something to do with telepathy and psychology. I will think of a number between one and ten and you will guess it by staring into my eyes and entering my mind." said Pepa .

"Ok em, did you think of one?" I asked. "Yes" she replied.

"Emmmmmm, 7?" I said sounding more confident then I was. "No, it was 4. And you came up with that to quickly, try to take your time and really look into my eyes. Ok I thought of another one, go again."

I stared into her eyes deeply, but nothing came to mind. How do I enter Pepas brain?? I should just make a random guess.

"2?" I said nervously. "Wonderful!" said Pepa. "Now tell me, was that a guess or did you really get into my brain?"

"It was a guess." I said honestly. "Ok well y/n, I think we have a bit more practise to do. And trust me, I know it sounds crazy now but it will come in handy. Even it takes all day to learn it."

Hi again, I'm going to try make the next chapter quite long because the chapter after the next is going to be the last!! So the next one might not be out until tomorrow because as I said I'd like it to be long so I'm going to take my time on it if that's ok :) Glad your enjoying the story so far!

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