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Yami wasn't sure why he was doing this. He was pretty sure it was a dumb idea anyway, but there was something about this girl - Y/N - that he liked. She seemed to be easy to talk to. No bullshit. No sugarcoating. He liked that. She seemed to have it pretty tough, but she wasn't complaining. And she had a good bit of stubborn pride. Maybe what that idiot on the ship had said was right and he was into her. He wasn't sure. He just really wanted to help her out.

So he had gotten a few fish from what they had caught all day and was quickly making his way over to her. She had seemed a little worse for the wear this morning and seemed to be hesitant about going out in that old little rowing boat again, but then she had taken a deep breath and just rolled with it.

She did have a surprising amount of fish, considering that she had neither proper equipment nor a good boat, but if she was on a proper boat she'd get so much more. Plus, she'd get paid wages and wouldn't even have to worry about getting everything to the market and selling it and then heading back home to make food for her siblings. But either way, if none of the boats were going to take her on for work - which Yami found pretty stupid, because he was doing the job of about two people at this stage - he could at least help her out by sharing some of their catch with her, whether she wanted to sell that or use it to feed her family.

But now that he was on his way over to her, he wondered whether it might come across as a little insulting. Would it feel a little belittling to her if he gave her some of the fish? Or would she appreciate it? He wasn't sure. From what he had seen, she was a very proud person, so this could go really badly. Anyway, he had made his choice and he was almost there already and there was no going back. If she was offended, then that was her problem, really. Not his problem.

She didn't even notice him approaching, because she seemed to be busy sorting out fish. It seemed to have been a good day for her, a little better than yesterday. Maybe she had found a system to make that boat work, but Yami really wished she wouldn't have to resort to that. Maybe he should talk to his father about taking her on as a worker. She'd probably do a good job, if she did this well on her own already.

"Hey." Yami greeted her, standing a few feet behind her. She turned around to him as soon as she registered his voice. She looked incredibly tired, but there was a slight smile on her lips when she saw him. Yami's eyes wandered down to her hands - they looked red and full of blisters, but she seemed to just ignore whatever pain she had to be feeling. Yami was sure that constantly having salt water on those blisters was painful as hell, but she was still working every day and she wasn't even covering the blisters with bandages or anything. She might not have the money to get any...

"Yami. What's up? Sorry, is it okay if I call you that? I never really asked." she replied, waving him over, so she could continue working, while they talked. Yami quickly walked up to her, watching her quickly checking the fish and sorting them out. One small pile to one side, which was probably meant for her and her siblings and two bigger piles in front of her. Yami assumed one was to sell fresh and the other for smoking and curing or drying. They both made about the same amount of money.

"Sure, it's fine. Looks like you had a productive day." he commented. Y/N nodded with a wide smile. She seemed pretty pleased with herself.

"Yeah, I'm pretty happy with that. Didn't think I'd end up with so much fish today. But maybe that's just the spot I was at today." she answered, drying her hands on her skirt, before grabbing the bags she had brought. She took the small sack first, putting the fish that were meant for her family into it, before starting to fill a bigger bag with the fish that was meant to be smoked.

"Was there anything you wanted or did you just come over for a chat?" Y/N asked him and looked up at him, while she made sure that she had enough room in that sack for all the fish. Not that it was that much, but it was clearly more than she had ever caught before or she wouldn't be so happy and proud about it. Yami liked seeing her happy like that. She looked pretty any day, but when she was in a good mood it was like she was getting about a million times more beautiful.

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