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Y/N felt terrible waking up the next morning. The first thing she noticed was that she was cold and the next thing was the pounding headache she had. It almost felt like her head was going to split in two separate halves. She never had a headache this bad before and she wondered whether she might be dying. But she didn't die. All she noticed was that she felt incredibly sick and she started feeling sicker by the second. This wasn't good. She quickly sat up and moved (or rather crawled) a little further away from where she was, before she started throwing up.

This was terrible. If she had known she'd feel this awful after getting completely blackout drunk she wouldn't have done it. She couldn't even remember much of it. Her entire body hurt. Did they finish the whole barrel...? It wasn't one of the huge barrels, but it was still a lot for just two people... And how was Yami doing? He hadn't died in his sleep or something, had he?

Y/N quickly wiped her mouth and sat up again, looking around her. There was Yami, lying in some grass, completely passed out. Where the hell were they even? This was some field... Oh right. They had decided to drink in a field, so no one would find them easily and they wouldn't get caught. Well, at least they had been smart about some things that evening. That was good. Y/N's mouth felt dry and she still had a sour taste in her mouth from throwing up. She felt absolutely disgusted with herself, wondering whether she'd ever be able to drink beer again.

She carefully inched back towards Yami, ever mindful of her throbbing headache and her stomach that was still upset. She wished she had some water or something non-alcoholic to drink. She was incredibly thirsty. And she was hungry, even though she had just thrown up. She felt like she wanted to eat loads of heavy food, but she also didn't think she'd be able to handle it right now. Probably the worst feeling she had encountered in this world so far. It really sucked. But it was her own fault and she just had to get through it now, no matter how bad it was.

Y/N laid back down next to Yami, looking up at the sky, but she quickly realized that the brightness of it really, really hurt her eyes. She groaned and turned on her side, curling up and rubbing her arms. She wished that time would pass already and the sun would come out so she could get warm already, but there was no such luck for now. She just had to suffer and suffer. She really hoped that Yami would be suffering as much as her when he woke up, at least she wouldn't be alone then.

She looked up at him and he looked like he was peacefully asleep. She wished she could go back to sleep, but when she closed her eyes she was just feeling sick and she could feel how much her head hurt from lying on the ground and she was still cold. There was no way she could get back to sleep when she felt like this. She just had to lie awake and hope she'd feel better at some point. No matter how tired she was and how bad she actually felt. This had to be some kind of punishment for stealing or something. There was no way that this was normal.

Plus, she had to get back to her siblings at some point today. She knew that Hiroshi would be fine taking care of them on his own, but she didn't want to make him worry too much. She had to get back soon. And she had to find something to drink somewhere. She felt like she was going to die any second now. She tried thinking back to what happened last night, but all she could remember was them stealing the barrel and rolling it all the way up to this field and starting to just... just drink.

Thinking back on it, it was pretty dumb, but it seemed like a genius idea at the time. Y/N had no idea why neither of them had realized sooner what a stupid idea this was. Here she was on one of her few free days and she was feeling like she wanted to die, because she had to drink half a barrel of beer. She was honestly glad that she was still alive after that much drink, because that amount could have easily killed her. She really hoped that Yami was still alive.

Maybe she should check on him. He hadn't really moved in a while and Y/N wasn't quite sure whether he was still breathing or not. She moved a little closer to him, resting her head on his chest to listen for a heartbeat and breathing. She held her own breath for a few seconds, before hearing his heartbeat and hearing the sound of his breath. She let out a relieved sigh and sat back up, trying to keep herself together somehow. She still felt sick like a dog.

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