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Yami wasn't really sure how exactly he had managed to get Y/N to go along with his ridiculous idea of stealing a barrel of beer, but here they were. On their merry way to the last pub before the farmland started. To go and steal an entire barrel of beer, just for the laugh. And to get ridiculously drunk, of course, but that wasn't really the main motive here. The main motive was the adventure of walking a few miles so they could go and steal a damn barrel.

They had been walking for about half an hour now and they were getting closer to the place they were targeting. Yami wasn't sure whether he was supposed to feel a little bad for the owners, but honestly - all the farmers went to this place and the farmers were loaded. Whoever owned that pub was already making bank. They could easily handle a stupid prank by teenagers. Plus, a lot of the farmers were looking down on the fishing business for whatever reason.

Funnily enough, Y/N had once again been more nervous the entire day before they even started on their mission to steal some nice drink, but now she was absolutely calm and almost cheery with the prospect of getting this done and over with. Yami was glad she was like that, because he was having doubts now. If it hadn't been for Y/N he would probably not have done it. He would have gone back home and told himself that it was better that way, that it was a stupid idea anyway and that they probably would be getting caught and they were smart going home.

But with Y/N... well, it was still a stupid idea, but her enthusiasm seemed to be infectious. The more excited she was about this, the more excited Yami was about the idea of getting blackout drunk in a random field with the girl he had a crush on. There was no point denying it anymore. He definitely had a huge crush on Y/N and he had been crushing on her since the first time he had seen her. He just didn't really know what to call it at that time, but now he was pretty sure.

Usually he was very straight forward with everything, but right now it was different. He had no idea how to tell Y/N that he liked her... Like really liked her. He didn't even know if she felt the same way about him. Sometimes he thought that she did, other times he was sure that they were definitely just friends. It was just so damn difficult to tell with her. From everyone else's comments it was apparently plain obvious what was going on, but he just couldn't tell. And it was driving him insane. He wished he had the same kinds of insights everyone else seemed to have.

But here he was, almost at the pub, with the girl he adored. About to commit a crime. And he had to make absolutely sure that she wasn't going to get arrested, because she had her siblings depending on her. They were waiting at home. Yami had no idea what she had told them, but her older brother seemed to be doing well at taking care of the younger ones and her landlady's daughter seemed to enjoy babysitting them from time to time, too. Sometimes Yami felt a little bad for spending so much time with Y/N when she should be really spending it with her siblings.

"Alright, we're almost there. What do we do next?" Y/N asked him, as she stopped in her tracks. Across the square, there was the pub they were targeting. It was somewhat early in the day, but not too early. Yami surveyed the area and then took a deep breath. They had to get a closer look at the building first of all, before they did anything else. They needed to figure out where they kept the barrels.

"We should act... natural. We have to find out how to get into their backyard. That's where they'll likely store the barrels, so if we find a way to get in there and hide in there, we can probably easily steal one of the barrels and then quickly run off towards one of the fields. They're not far from here. Once we're hiding in the high grass, no one will be able to find us." he explained. It sounded so much easier than it was and Yami really hoped that everything would just go well and according to plan for them. He glanced over at Y/N who was nodding slowly.

"Alright, let's go. There's a gate back there, so that would probably be the safest bet for a way that leads into their backyard. So... do we just pretend that we're on a walk or something?" Y/N wanted to know. Yami shrugged. He hadn't really thought about that part. But it didn't matter that much either. There was probably no one in this part of town that would recognize them anyway. He crossed the square together with Y/N, wondering whether he should just take her hand so they'd look like a couple or something, but by the time he had worked up the courage they were already by the gate.

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