Part 55 - Lights

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*Nicholas leads you through secret hallways and staircases*

*He stands still in front of a corner*

Nicholas: I have to leave you here. Just follow the corner to the right and you'll see where you have to go

Y/n: But how...?

Nicholas: Have a great night Y/n!

*He leaves you behind*

*Follow to the right he said. So you walk around the corner*

*A lot of candles reveal a path to a little staircase*

*My god George, how can you be so romantic? *

*You follow the candles and open a door*

*Lights are everywhere you look and you walk slowly further* 

*Then you notice a table for two on your right*

George: Hi!

*He looks at you*

George: My word... You look... Gorgeous...

*You walk over to him*

Y/n: George, this all. It's beautiful! You did all of this just for me...?

George: I could ask you the same thing. You look so gorgeous that you're way out of my league right now

*You giggle*

Y/n: Well, I'm standing here for you, so I guess I'm going for your league

*He steps closer to you and wraps his arms around you for a hug*

*You feel his body heat against yours and it just feels right. His scent tingles your nose and you close your eyes as you're standing there*

*When he lets you go, your body immediately lingers for more. You want his arms around you again*

*But George plants a kiss on your cheek. You notice he's taking things slowly. He really wants to take up upon his words from this morning, to show you why you're stronger together*

*He takes your hand and leads you to the table. He shoves your seat back and puts it gentleman wise underneath you while you sit down*

Y/n: Thank you George!

George: You're welcome

*He gets a bottle of wine from a little cooling box and pours the liquid into two glasses*

Y/n: Oh it's chardonnay! I love chardonnay!

George: I know. I paid attention to your drinks the night we met

*He gives you a wink, which makes you blush*

*George sits down on the other seat*

Y/n: Already so much happened since that evening...

George: Yes... But not all bad things

Y/n: Definitely not. It still feels like yesterday

George: It does! I wasn't really feeling like having a dinner with the guys and then the car trouble... I nearly went back to the hotel, but I knew I couldn't let them down again.

George: And then the flash. It took me by surprise. I thought it was only going to be a dinner with the guys, but then you appeared to be there as well

Y/n: Well, you nearly missed me. Max totally forgot about the dinner party until Daniel called him

George: You're kidding right?

Y/n: No, I'm serious. Max and I were just chatting in his hotel room when his phone rang

George: So weird how fate took us there

Y/n: Yes, I never could've imagined a F1 driver to be my soulmate

George: It's not the most private world, that's true...

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