Part 73 - Paralysed

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*George gives you one more kiss on the hallway and runs quickly to the elevator*

*He doesn't have much time left to talk to his team before qualifying*

*You keep smiling and waving at him until the doors of the elevator are closed. He smiles and waves back as well*

*When the doors are closed, your phone makes a noise in your pocket. You lean against the wall and read a message of Kelly, saying she will be back in half an hour*

*While you are writing a reply, you hear someone saying you name from behind you*

*You almost drop your phone on the floor*

*It's a familiar voice. Way too familiar...*

*Slowly you turn around*

Y/n whispers: Liam...?

Liam: Yes it's me

*Shivers are travelling over your body. No, no, no... You don't want to speak to him*

*You want to run away or crawl into a little corner just long enough to let this evil dream pass, but when you see him moving towards you, you know it's not a dream*

*It's reality*

*Fear is all you feel. What is he going to do? Why is he here? Why are you all alone right now...? *

*He takes another step towards you*

*Then you realize you have to be strong. You have to. Not only for yourself, but also for Max. For your family. For the people around you*

Y/n: Don't.

Y/n: Don't you dare to step closer

*Your voice shakes a bit, but is surprisingly steady for someone who's facing her assaulter*

*Liam stands still immediately*

Liam: Please Y/n. I just want to talk to you

Y/n: But I don't want to talk to you. Disappear Liam. Go away

*You move towards your door, but your knees are weak. You feel them shaking underneath you*

*Still you find the strength to grab the door, so you won't fall down. Only two more steps and you're in your room again with a door between you and Liam*

*But Liam takes a step closer to you again, which makes you freeze again*

Liam: I just need to talk to you. Please let me. It's part of my rehabilitation program

Y/n: Rehabilitation program...?

Liam: Yes, I'm in rehab Y/n...

*You stay quiet. Rehab? He is really in rehab?*

*He moves forward again*

Liam: One talk Y/n...

Y/n: No

*Then you rush into your room and close the door*

*But just when you think you've made it, you see his foot preventing the door from closing*


*He throws the door open and you stumble back into your room* 

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