Part 101 - The Challenge

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*While playing the drawing challenge with Max and sharing some childhood stories of you two, you look up at the McLaren motorhome*

*Someone who's wearing orange is standing in front of a window*

*You narrow your eyes and notice it's Lando*

*A little flicker fires up inside of you, but disappears quickly as well again*

*What is going on between you two? What are you two?*

*You are both so confused about the whole situation, but especially Lando... You remember his eyes when he looked at you yesterday*

*He was so worried, but also so confused* 

Max: Y/n?

*You snap out of your thoughts and look at him*

Y/n: I'm sorry? I was a bit distracted

Sky sports presenter: The question was what exactly happened after you set off the fire alarm

Y/n laughs a bit: Oh no... Not that story. First, it was not my fault! It was all his fault!

*You point at your brother and start telling the story*

*But while you're telling it, you sometimes look back at the window. Is Lando still there?*

*Before you even realize, the challenge has ended and you say goodbye to the presenter. You and Max walk over to Erin again*

Max: Oh fuck, I forgot to tell. I've got this lunch...? Coffee...? Drink thing...? From Alex? He invited all of the drivers over, because he wanted to tell us something. Really weird, but okay

Y/n: Ah don't worry, I was going to grab lunch with Erin anyways. Say hi to everyone from me!

Max: I will!

*He gives you a hug and leaves you and Erin behind*

Erin: He still seems a little bit off, if I have to be honest

Y/n: I totally agree. Who knows what's going on inside his head...

Erin: I'm wondering who his first victim will be for a punch in the face... There is this little aggressive undertone in his voice

Y/n: Yeah... I hope he'll stay calm so he won't attract bad publicity or something

*Your ringtone starts playing and you get your phone from your pocket*

*Your sreen tells you it's Lando who's calling*

📞 Y/n:

📞 Lando:


*He stays quiet. You only hear him breathing*

*You walk back a bit and look at the window where he was standing during the challenge*

*You notice he's still standing there*

What's going on Lando?

*You see how he turns around  and looks up to the ceiling. Like he's trying to say something, but doesn't know how to*


Yes, I'm sorry. I...

*And he stops his sentence again*

*Daniel walks up to Lando and stands next to him. He gives a little nod to Lando*

*It's obvious Daniel knows more about what Lando is about to say*

Are you free to talk somewhere today? I really need to clear some things up for myself...

I've got this thing tonight and I have to pack my suitcase since I'm leaving tomorrow morning. Does it take long?

No, I don't think so

Maybe we can talk before the drivers parade?

Yes, that would be perfect

Okay, shall I meet you in front of the McLaren motorhome?

Sounds amazing. See you then!

Yes, see you!

*You hang up the phone, but keep looking upstairs. Lando talks some with Daniel. Then he looks outside and notices you standing*

*He was definitely not aware that you were still standing there*

*He smiles and nods. You do the same... *

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