Chapter one

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(And whenever something is bold italics Like this it's venom talking)

Y/n pov
"Y/n come on!" Eli yelled as I fought of a griever. Rachel and Aris were up ahead, putting in the code to open the way out. They had just opened the door and everyone was rushing inside. I was the last one. I backed up as the doors started closing. Now would be a great time to help me, venom. I thought as I kept fighting the griever. The doors shut, smooshing a griever in the process. I backed up, disgusted as Griever guts splattered on the floor.

We ran out, Aris and Rachel leading, Sonya and I staying in the back. We reached an empty room with smashed glass and dead bodies everywhere.

"What happened..." Sonya asked, sidestepping some broken glass.

"Dunno..." I responded. I looked up as Rachel pushed a button on a computer panel. A video popped up, showing a blonde woman in a white suit. She talked about the earth being scorched and a disease called the flare. Just as the video finished, a group of people in black suits rushed in, taking us away. I lost Sonya and Harriet in the rush of things. We were stuffed into a helicopter. I looked around and started panicking when I didn't see Sonya, Harriet, Cathy or Ana, other girls from my maze. I turned to Eli.

"Where's-" I start.

"I dunno," Eli replied, looking around, just as panicked as me. "Do you think their-"

"No. Their strong. Their not... dead." I responded. We sat against the edge of the helicopter. I fought back tears. Don't cry. We are all okay. Girls will be fine. I look up in shock.

"Venom...? Where the hell have you been?" I whisper yell, as to not draw too much attention to myself. Everyone else in our maze new about Venom, but I didn't want these guys that rescued us to know yet. Eli looked at me.

"Venom's back? Hi venom." Eli smiled. Hi!

"Venom says hi," I tell her, smiling. "Now where have you been, venom? I really needed your help with those grievers back there." I whisper to venom. You did not need us. Plus, we were not in the mood to help.

"Not in the mood?!?!? Venom, we could've died." Venom laughed. We will not die. We would've done something if we were at risk of dying. I sigh.

~time skip~

I wake up in a white bed. The people that put us in the helicopter... they brought us here! I look around and discover that I am hooked up to multiple wires. A nurse walkes over.

"Glad to see you're awake, Y/n. We are done with our tests. You may go back to your friends," the nurse says kindly as she unhooks me from the wires.

"Tests...?" I ask.

"We needed to make sure you weren't sick or anything. Plus you were deprived of many things in the maze. We helped get you back to full health. Come on." The nurse helped me from my bed. I looked over and saw another girl being brought into the room. She had bright blue eyes and dark hair. We made eye contact before I was taken out of the room.

I was led to a cafeteria. I looked around and saw Aris sitting alone at a table. I walked over and sat down in front of him.

"Hey. Where are the others?" I ask. He looks up at me and his eyes widen.

"Y/n?" He asks.

"Yeah... why do you seem shocked? And where are the others?"

"Uh. Well I kinda thought you were dead. The doctors took you back to a separate room and they kept you back there for a week. The others were taken. Only Eli and I are left from out group." Aris looked down.

"What? Where are they?" I ask.

"They say they took them to a place safe from the flare. But I think it's a lie. I've been exploring the vents and theres this room I can't access from the vents. Every night they take a body or two in there." My eyes widen.

"We have to find out what happened to them and get out. And where's Eli? You said she's still here, right?"

"Yea, she's here. I think she's in her room. Didn't want to come to breakfast. I'm guessing guards will bring her here soon, though. And yea, I agree. I've been waiting for someone who can help get ua out. Haven't found anyone yet. No one seems right," Aris responded.

I nod. "Okay... have you been asking people?"

"No. That would draw too much attention to me. Plus, someone would tell the guards and I'd be a goner. I've been looking at all the new groups that've come in. Studying their behavior. No one would work so far." I nod.

"Okay. Hopefully we find someone soon."

"Yea. So why do you think they kept you back there for so long?" Aris asked. I shrug.

"Dunno. I'm guessing it had something to do with venom," I say. I quiet down my voice when I say Venom. I don't want do draw attention to myself. Aris nods. We hear the door open. I look over to see two guards dragging in a tan, blonde girl with piercing blue eyes. Eli. She didn't even put up a fight. That's definable not the Eli I know. Her eyes meet mine and her mouth gapes open a little. She pulls away from the guards and walks over.

"Y/n? How- I thought you were dead..." Eli says, sitting down next to me.

"They did medical stuff. I'm guessing it had something to do with venom. Aris filled me in on everything..." I say. I lower my head as I say the last sentence. Eli nods slowly. We hear the door open again and all 3 of us turn our heads to see a group of 4 boys walk in. Not really paying attention to them, I eagerly look to Aris. He shrugs and doesn't keep his eyes off of the group. They grab food and sit down at another table.

Eli looks to Aris, slightly hopeful. "A shrug? You think they might be it?" Her voice is filled with hope. Aris shrugs again.

"I don't know. Maybe. Maybe not. It's too soon to tell." I nod and look to the group again.

One, wore a welcoming smile and was talking with the people at his table, while also eating. He had darker skin and eyes. Another, who was also talking, had tan skin and with dark hair and eyes. The third boy, who had rushed into the cafeteria first, had dark hair. His back was to us, so I couldn't tell anything else about him. It seemed like he was eating a lot, though. The fourth was seated next to the one eating a lot. He had dirty blonde hair. That's all I could tell because his back was also to us. From what I could tell, he just sat there.

I turned back to Aris and Eli, just in time for another boy to walk into the cafeteria. He was tall and had dark hair and eyes and a fair complexion. The dark haired boy that had his back facing us got up and went to greet him. Aris tapped the table. Eli and I looked to him. Aris slightly nodded. My eyes widened in excitement. We were finally gonna leave.

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