Chapter eleven

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The next day, we worked on packing things up.

"What now?" Thomas asked. Sometimes, he really doesn't say the smartest things. We just spent the whole first half of the morning packing the camp up. What does he think we're doing?

"Gather what's left of us, and continue with the plan I guess," Vince replied. Roxy sat at my feet and a few other people packed up the last of what wasn't damaged by the attack last night.

"I'm not going with you," Thomas replied. A few others looked shocked, but I wasn't. He was going to rescue Minho.

"What?" Vince asked.

"I made a promise to Minho. I can't leave him there with WICKED. I'm going to get him out," Thomas said plainly. He was so predictable. He makes the most random, stupid decisions, which make him predictable. If that makes sense.

"Look, I've known Minho for... well as long as I can remember. He was one of my best friends and if I could do something to help him, I would. But what you're talking about... it's impossible," Newt chimed in.

"More like suicide," Jorge added.

"Look, I'm not asking anyone to come with me," Thomas spoke. I smiled. He can be a little dumb, but he was brave, I'll give him that.

"I have to admit," Harriet began, stepping up. "I'd like some revenge." I looked at her and smiled.

"Quite some speech, kid. So what's your plan?" Vince asked. Thomas gave a dramatic yet determined look. He didn't have a plan. It didn't take a genius to figure that out.

Pretty much everyone was going to help Thomas get Minho and the others out of WICKED. Teresa didn't come up in conversation once, but I secretly planned to get her out as well. I hadn't heard from her yet, but it hasn't even been a day yet. She'll contact me when she can.

I decided not to contact her first, since that could put everything in jeopardy. If I try to contact her during a meeting or something and a WICKED worker hears, it could all be over. I would just wait for her to contact me when she can.

We all gathered our things and left our old camp. I fell asleep on the ride over.

We got to a place near the water. A large camp was set up, and a huge boat sat on the water.

"Once we fix up that boat and get your friends from WICKED, we'll go to the safe haven," Vince said.

"Great. We better start planning then," I spoke. Everyone nodded.

Teresa's pov

~Time skip~

I had been at WICKED for about a week now. I haven't been able to contact Y/n yet, but I didn't have a whole lot of information. The immune kids kept getting moved around constantly. They haven't gotten here to the last city yet. They come here, but leave a few days later. Also, I haven't been allowed near the information yet. I guess I hadn't earned enough of their trust yet.

I became good friends with my roommate, Bella. She hated working for WICKED and wanted them gone as much as me, but this job was what let her keep her life and pay the bills. I didn't tell her about why I was here. She could be lying to me, or could accidentally tell someone. That couldn't happen.

She does know that I regret my decision of betraying my friends and that I don't completely agree with WICKED's ways. But nothing more.

I walk into the WICKED building. I'm in a sickly white suit and my hair is pulled into a twist. I feel like Ava Paige and I don't like it. My heels make a clip clop noise as I walk. It's honestly kinda fun to hear the noise. But I ignore it to try and look normal.

"Teresa!" Ava calls out. I turn and walk towards her.

"Yes?" I ask.

"Come with me. You're going to help with some testing today. Look at results and see if the serum a few of our scientists put together work when injected into the infected," Ava spoke as she began walking. I keep up with her.

"Okay," I speak. I hated the way she worded that. Injecting the infected with a serum scientists put together and hope it works. These humans are not lab rats. Who knows how long I'll have to pretend to be on their side. Hopefully not too long.

We enter a room that looks like a cross between a medical room and science lab. She shows me some results, explaining what everything means.

"So far, subject A7 has had the most promising results," Ava spoke as she pulled up some results along with a picture of the subject.

I freeze. Minho. He was one of the subjects they were testing. Not only that, but he had the most promising results. Ava hands me a syringe with a blue liquid inside.

"This sample has the blood from subject A7. I want you to inject it into one of our control subjects. One of the infected. This will be your new job. Injecting samples into the blood stream of the infected," Ava spoke. I take the syringe and nod stiffly. I didn't like this new job, but I would have access to the information on the cure. See what works and what doesn't.

We walk into a medical room. A little boy lay strapped down to a medical bed. He didn't look like he had been infected too long.

"This boy was just injected with the virus last night. He's not very far along," Ava said. I look at her, trying to hide my horror.

"Injected? You made him infected?" I asked. Ava nodded.

"We needed a few subjects that we know for sure have the virus, but aren't very far along," Ava spoke in a monotone voice.

"Don't we already have enough infected people in the world? Do we really need to create more?" I ask. Ava keeps looking through the glass.

"Yes. It is the easiest and fastest way to get a cure. If we leave the city to collect the infected, people we don't want within these walls will sneak in, and this city will no longer be safe from the flare," Ava said. "Now go in with the subject. Talk with him and try to make him feel as calm and at ease as possible."

I nod and walk inside. I take a seat next to the boy and begin talking with him before injecting the sample into his blood stream.

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