Chapter six

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Eli's pov

I lost track of Thomas and Brenda right away. Wait. Who...? Why was I here again? I don't know. Who cares? The room started spinning. I took my jacket off and tossed it on the floor. I started dancing to the music. I feel someone grab my waist and turn me around to face them. I look in shock. The face, I recognize the face. But... no, it couldn't really be him, could it? But... he's right here, in front of me.

"Hey, gorgeous.." he slurred.

"Whoyacallingorgeus...?" I say, my words slurred together. He smirks and pulls me closer. My brain is fuzzy so I don't do anything to stop him. He pulls me into a very sloppy kiss. I feel one of his hands slide lower than my waist. But, again, my brain is fuzzy and isn't making a whole lot of sense of the things going on around me, so I don't do anything to stop him. Then, still in the kiss, I black out.

Y/n pov
We make our way to Marcus's place.

"Okay. You all find Brenda, Thomas and Eli. Meet me up on the top floor when you do," Jorge said. "Oh, and take your jackets off. You need to try and fit in. We all nod. I take my jacket off, leaving me in my white tank top and jeans. I pull my hair out of my ponytail. I slightly shake my head to make my hair less messy, but not too much. Just enough to make it not look weird after pulling it out of a high ponytail. Jorge grabs our jackets and walks off, taking Roxy with him.

We walk inside the party. It's crazy. The music is extremely loud and many many people who were most likely drunk cranks danced around. The groups walks off in pairs to try and find the others. Devyn goes with Teresa, Minho goes with Frypan, and I go with Newt. As we look around, I see a familiar face.
"Look, It's Eli," I say to Newt. I point to where I see her. She's clearly drunk. She's with a guy only a few years older than us, with messy, longish dark hair. They were kissing. Then she passed out. We went forward but were stopped by two people. A guy and girl. Both our age.

A/n: very very minor (like very minor) sexual assault. Skip this paragraph if that bothers you
"Hey..." The guy said. He walked closer to me. I looked over and saw the girl doing the same to Newt. We shared a slightly panicked look. The guy put his hand on my jaw and turned me to face him. His other hand was on my waist, though it was slowly moving down. My breathing quickened. I was scared.
"Get off me," I said. He shook his head. He pulled me even closer to him so there was no space left between us. He leaned down and pulled me into a rough kiss. I kept my lips firmly closed, my eyes squeezed shut. My arms were almost frozen to my sides. He broke away from the kiss and started placing a few kisses along my jaw and neck. My breathing continued to quicken. I found a little but of strength and somehow managed to push him away from me. I looked at my arms and saw that venom helped with that.
A/n-done! See, very minor

"Thanks venom," I muttered. The guy didn't come back. He simply started kissing another drunk girl. I looked over to Newt. The girl had her hands all over him and went in to kiss him. I don't know what I felt at that moment. All I knew was that I didn't like it. At all.

"Get off him," I said, moving forward. I grab her wrist and pull her away from him. She looks at me.

"Why...?" She said. She looked away from me and back to Newt. Jorge's words echoed in my mind. Blend in. I took a deep breath as an idea popped into my head. I can't believe I'm about to do this. I stepped in front of her and smirked.

"Can't let you get him all to yourself, can I?" I look back at Newt. I glare at the girl and walk over to him.

"Just go with it," I whisper in his ear before pulling him into a kiss.

Newt pov
My breathing quickened as the girl kept getting closer to me. Not only was she clearly not in her right mind, but she smelled really bad. All I could smell was alcohol. And a little blood.

"Get off him," I heard someone say. I looked over to see Y/n walking over. The girl stepped back a little. I sighed in relief.

"Why...?" She asked. She looked away from Y/n and back to me. To my surprise, Y/n stepped between us. She was facing the girl, so I couldn't see her face.

"Can't let you get him all to yourself, can I?" She asked. I was extremely confused. I soon found out she was just blending in with the cranks. She looks at me and walks closer so there isn't a lot more space between us.

"Just go with it," she whispers in my ear. My breathing quickens a little. Then, taking me by surprise, she kisses me. I return the kiss, placing my hands on her waist. She wraps her arms around my neck and she deepens the kiss.

We pull away. A part of me almost wishes we didn't pull away. The girl that reeked of alcohol had gone away. I try to hide my heavy breathing. Y/n looks to the side.

A/n: small mention of sexual assault. MENTION. I don't describe it but if it still bothers you, skip this paragraph.
"Look!" She points to the floor. Eli is on the ground, still passed out. Her shirt lay next to her, leaving her in her bra. The guy she was kissing was getting up to walk away. Y/n rushes over, me following behind her. Y/n pushes the guy further away from Eli.
"Get away from her, creep!" She yells. The guy rolls his eyes and stumbles away. I got closer to Eli and
Y/n soon joined me. As I looked at Eli, I noticed little purple marks along her neck and collarbone. I see Y/n clench her jaw.
"Looks like someone had fun with her while the was Passed out!" Y/n said, clearly mad. She sighs. "Come on. Let's get her back to Jorge."
A/n: Done!!

She grabs Eli's shirt and jacket(which was by her shirt) and places them on Eli. We lift her up and bring her up to where Jorge said to meet up. Everyone else was already there. Brenda and Thomas were passed out. We place her down. Minho sees us and walks over.

"What happened?," he asked, looking at Eli.

"Some creep decided to have fun with her while she was passed out," Y/n muttered. Minho's eyes widen.

"What kind of sick person would do that?" He asked.

"A drunk crank..." I mutter. Minho let's out a frustrated sigh. He sits down next to where we laid  Eli.

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