Chapter seven

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I get Eli's shirt back on her while Jorge is interrogating Marcus. Minho stays seated next to her. I feel a tap on my shoulder and turn to see Newt. My stomach drops. I know exactly what he wants. He motions for me to follow him. I hesitate and look around. Minho smirks.

"Go," He says, pushing me over to Newt. I follow him up some stairs and onto the roof. He stands at the edge and I stand next to him. My heart is racing.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" I asked. I looked at him. He looked really good, despite the fact that we were all filthy from crossing the scorch, running from cranks, and everything else we've been through.

"The crank party. I-I know you were just blending in, but... I-... I-I... It felt like... I... I don't really know how to put it into words..." Newt started. I smiled.

"It's fine-" I started.

"No, I- I just... well it felt like the uh... kiss, was more than just blending in. I-I'm probably imagining it, but... I just wanted to say it," Newt said. I smiled. Before I could open my mouth to speak, he looked down and sighed. "We should get back." He starts to walk away.

Say something!

"Say what?" I whisper, so Newt can't hear me. I don't know! Just don't let him leave! I sigh.

"Wait!" I call out. He turns around. I take a deep breath. Oh, lord what did I do. My breath quickens. I called out without thinking and now I don't know what to do or say.

I take a deep breath as an idea pops into my head. It's a crazy idea, but it's the only one I have.

I step forward.

I look into his deep brown eyes and take a deep breath.

I do it.

I lean forward and kiss him.

I pull away and look down. "Y-you're right. We should get back." I start to walk past him and back to the others. Before I can get to far, he grabs my arm. He turns me around to face him and quickly pulls me in for another kiss.

I'm a little startled at first, but soon we both melt into the kiss. He places his hands on my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck. I deepen the kiss, my hand traveling up to his hair. He pulls me closer so there is no longer any space between us. We pull away for a breath. I breath heavily and rest my forehead against his. He smiles.

"We probably should actually go back now..." I say. He chuckles.

"You're right. C'mon, love," Newt says. I pull him in for one last kiss before heading back down the stairs.

My secret {Newt x reader} [book 1 of 2]Where stories live. Discover now