Chapter ten

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I helped the others set up a few tents for us to sleep the rest of the night before cleaning up and moving in the morning. I hear a whimper and look to see Roxy laying on the ground.

Her fur was matted and stained with blood. She had cuts and scrapes and a small spot on her side where she was burned. She was barely alive.

I quickly looked for some water. I brought it to Roxy and tried giving her the water.

"Come on..." I urge. "Venom, think you could heal her if you go into her for a sec?" If it was another human host, yes. Not animals though. They can host us, yes. But we can't heal them. We're sorry. I huff in frustration.

I find a piece of extra cloth and tear it into strips and use them to bandage her wounds to help stop the bleeding. I give her more water. I hear footsteps, but don't pay attention to them.

"Y/n, are you alright- Bloody hell," Newt says. He rushes next to me and looks at Roxy. He helps me stop her bleeding. He uses some of the water to wash the blood out of her fur. I go find some food and more water. I come back and feed Roxy.

A while later. We get the Bleeding to stop and get Roxy to have some food and water. We sit down and lean against a stack of boxes, exhausted. Roxy lays on the other side of Newt. He wraps his arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder. Before I know it, I fall asleep.

Teresa's pov

I walk out of the berg and into the WICKED facility. Ava Paige hands me a keychain with a card and a silver key.

"The card lets you get around the facility. The key is to your apartment. Someone will show you the way to your apartment. Tomorrow you will come back here, 6 am sharp. Someone will meet you up in the front to show you around the facility," Ava spoke. I nod. She leads me to the front of the facility. Someone in a WICKED uniform is waiting. Their face is covered by a mask, so I can't see their face or who they are. Ava nods to the guard.

The guard motions for me to follow them. I follow the guard out of the facility and onto the streets of the last city. The guard keeps their mask on as we walk through the city.

"We're outside. Can't you take your mask off?" I ask, walking beside the guard.

"No. Citizens aren't allowed to see WICKED guard's faces. You'll see my face when we get to our apartment," The guard replies.

"Our apartment?" I question.

"Yup. Ava decided to have you room with me. Normally I don't come back until around 2 in the morning, but she let me off work early today to show you to the apartment," The guard replied. I nod. We cross a few more streets before we get to a large building. The guard leads me inside and up the first pair of stairs we come across. We walk up one flight of stairs before going onto that floor. We walk to the end of the hall. The guard pulls out a silver key, identical to mine. The door opens and we walk inside.

The door opens to a single room. It's half kitchen, half sitting area. There's two doors on the left side of the room. The guard takes their mask off and sighs.

"Ugh. That stupid mask is suffocating. Taking it off is the best part of my day..." the guard says.

I turn to the guard to see a girl, about a year or two younger than me. She has fair skin, shoulder length dirty blonde hair, and dull green eyes.

"You look young to be a WICKED guard..." I observe. She sighs.

"Yeah. My parents used to work for WICKED. My mom was actually a close friend of Ava's. But they died when I was eight. Ava didn't want to put me in the maze trials, so I became a guard," She replied. "My name's Bella by the way."

"Nice to meet you Bella. I'm Teresa," I responded. Bella nodded.

"I know. Ava mentioned your name when she told me you'd be living here," Bella stated.  I nod.

"Come on," Bella spoke. She led me to the first door. We walked inside. It was a very simple bedroom with two beds, one closet, and a small window.

"Ava left some clothes and other things for you in here. You get most of the closet space. I have to wear the same uniform every day so my clothes won't take up as much room. Bathroom is through the other door," Bella said.  I nodded.  I sat down on the bed and fell into a light sleep, haunted with images of my friends being harvested and tested. Because of me. What have I done? 

My secret {Newt x reader} [book 1 of 2]Where stories live. Discover now