A few words before you read

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A few things to be aware of as you read, I will add to the list as more and more things are added in the story :)

-Y/N (your name or an oc's name- whichever you prefer ig) 

-Chapters will be around 1500-2000 words normally and around 3000 with the longer ones so be prepared to read a lot lol.
-When shifting POVs I go from either fixating on a specific character or no character at all, however, Y/N will always be referred to 'you' when fixated on them, and will never truly have a 1st person view like I might do with Sun/Moon.

-Sunrise and Moondrop are 2 different characters here, meaning they're separated and not in a singular body like in the game. If that is a problem to you, don't read this I suppose.
-Information about them WILL appear as chapters gets added - once needed, I will make an information-chapter with facts and whatnot about Y/N, Moon and Sun

-This will mostly be platonic between reader and characters, but I have started going into a slightly dangerous territory now - meaning suggestive things turn up around the later chapters, so if you're not into that then here's your warning.

-I use cusswords here and there, mostly for comical purpose. I will mark the start of the chapter if any appear. It won't be often though (as in it won't appear too much in the chapters they're in) and I will refrain from using them too much.
-Simping is allowed in the comments, just please keep it down a notch and don't take it too far. 

-Some chapters contain emotionally-touching subjects, including; self-deprecation, mention of death, violent tendencies, and more

Anyway, sit back, relax, and I hope you enjoy my little fanfic; Sunny days and Moonlit nights. ~

''Sunny days and Moonlit nights'' | ~Sunrise/Moondrop x Reader~  |Where stories live. Discover now