Chapter 2. ''New friend''

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You didn't know whether to move or just sit still while hoping the animatronic only could detect movement like some sort of weird T-rex. So, going against all your instincts screaming at you to climb back up that slide, you stood up and carefully made your way through the ball-pit, cringing every time one of the balls rolled a bit too far or made too much noise. If you could just make it to shore and get out, perhaps you would be able to make a break for it if needed. 

Your hope was short lived, because as soon as you stepped into the deeper part of the ball-pit you felt two cold hands grab you from behind and pick you up. Now dangling in the air like a toddler, you turned to face the colorful grinning monstrosity behind you. 

''HEEELLOOO~! New FRIEND!! You're sure up early, were you not able to wait till we opened??''
It yelled out in a robotic, chipper, and high-pitched voice. It tilted its head from side to side, the eyes twitching as it scanned your face. 

''Oh, I'm SORRYY, you must be my new CO-WORKER!!!~''
the robot yelled out and sat you down. 

''OOOOO It's so exCITING to get a new FRIEND HERE!!''
It swayed from side to side with its arms as it kept rambling. You just kind of tuned it all out as your brain tried to process what in the ever-loving Christ was going on, not even noticing that the animatronic before you stopped talking and just stood there. 

He was big. And you mean REALLY BIG. Even though the rest of the robotic gang on stage were all clearly over 7 feet, this one seemed like it'd even tower over Freddy. The sun animatronic was thin, a lot thinner than the big statue they had made of him in the entrance. Coupled with the long lanky arms and legs he almost reminded you of the weird air-dudes at car sellers. The ones that swayed as air inside of them made them look as if they danced.

''HeellOOO?? World to new friend???''
A gentle tap on your forehead knocked you out of your thoughts and sent you swirling back to reality, stumbling backwards from surprise rather than the force the robot had used. You kind of just glared at it weirdly, the animatronic taking notice and tilting its head sideways in response. It looked at you, and you stared back at it. 

It was here you decided to check how aware it truly was, and what better way than copying its movement from before by tilting your head the opposite way. It tilted its head in the other direction and you could hear a light snicker coming from it when you copied it again. You both did that for a few times, the robot adding in more and more movements to the order while you tried to keep up with it. Suddenly, as if struck with genius, the robot paused and spun its entire face around a few times before it landed upside down.
This was when you couldn't take its silliness anymore as you broke out into laughter. The animatronic threw its hands into the air and yelled out I WON! In a loud and cheery tone, which just made you laugh more. 

''That's because you cheated! I can't do that, you cheater.''
You replied and crossed your arms, trying to act as offended and annoyed as possible despite smiling from ear to ear. Picking up a ball from the pit you threw it at him and laughed more when he stepped back with one hand on his chest as he just said the word GASP in an over-dramatic voice instead of actually gasping. 

Can he even gasp? 

''ME?? CHEATING???? I would NEEEEEVER!!''
the sunny robot laughed and threw the ball back at you. 

''Hey! Don't you throw that back at me!''
you giggled and picked up more balls as you got behind a small table to throw at the oversized robot clown. Even if he was thin, you managed to hit him right in between the eyes.
He squeaked and dove into the pit again before popping back out and throwing a bunch more balls back at you. 

You both went at it for what seemed like forever before you plopped down on a small beanbag and admitted defeat by waving a piece of paper as If it was a white flag. 

''Sunny days and Moonlit nights'' | ~Sunrise/Moondrop x Reader~  |Where stories live. Discover now