Chapter 3. ''glitter glue crowns''

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Cussing appears in this chapter.
It will only happen a few times, but now you've been warned.
Also, incoming feels because yes


The yellow animatronic bounced in place as it looked around.
''Oooo, there's so many things we could do!! We could finger paaaint or play gaaames or - OO OO we could play hide 'n seek!!''
He giggled and jittered from pure excitement.

''How about we just, uh, draw-?''
You asked, still not wanting to do anything too energy demanding. You'd just run around half the day-care, dodging balls and laughing madly every time you got a bullseye. Sun was fun to be around, but he was also a bit over the top and loud sometimes for your taste.

''Sure! I'll go get the supplies!!
he responded and turned away from you. Before leaving though, he turned to you for a moment. ''Just remember the rules Y/N~! LIGHTS. ON.''
Sun said the last part in a low monotone tone, totally out of the usual happy voice he had been using up till this point. Then he turned around and skipped off the who knows where for the art supplies.

You stood there, dumfounded that an animatronic taking care of kids was able to give a warning so... terrifying. Was turning off the lights really so serious? Even though management had told you to listen to the rules as they'd be given to you, surely, they weren't in for letting the lights be on at all times. It'd be a waste of power, not to talk about money.

You shook your head and went over to one of the tables to crouch down by it, trying to shake off the feelings something was watching you. It had been there the entire time you had entered the day-care. At first, you thought it was just because of the security cameras you'd seen up at the entrance. But down here, you couldn't see any more of them, not even the ones at the entrance were visible. And even if they had been, you doubted they'd be able to see more than a pixel of you from all the way up there.
It made you feel uneasy, the idea of something happening to you without anyone seeing it. No guard, no cameras, nothing more than a giant robotic jester. He was nice, but he was still a robot. What could he do if anything went wrong? Did they even program him for instances of break-ins or similar situations? Maybe that was why you were there, being the last line of defense for the company so they could blame you if someone got hurt. But... what if you got hurt?

Sun dropped a massive box of art-supplies next to you, scaring the living shit out of you. You grabbed your chest as you let of a shriek of surprise. Your co-worker jumped back but quickly got down on all fours to check on you.

''What happened!? A-are you hurt?? OH NO! DID I HURT YOU???''
He grabbed your shoulders and looked over your body in panic, repeatedly saying sorry and other apologetic words. You were in a state of shock and were only able to watch him look you over until his eyes landed on yours. He grabbed both your hands and held them together in his own. They were soft like a plushie, and you could hear a faint squeak as he pressed them together over yours in an attempt to comfort you.

''Please Y/N, did I do something wrong?? Why did you-''
You didn't let him finish and wrapped your arms around his chest and pulled him close for a hug. You'd always been anxious, and for as long as you could remember, prone to panicking. When Sun dropped that box, it was enough to send your spiraling thoughts into a frenzy. All you wanted right now was something to hold, anything really. It didn't matter if he was a big, cold robot. Those worried words and comforting hands were enough to make you jump into his arms in an effort to calm yourself down before you had a panic attack.

You felt his arms hold you closer as he sat down and rocked you back and forth. It reminded you of your dad, who'd always do the same to you when you were scared or upset. He'd hug you, rocking you as he rested his head on yours while hushing calmly and kissing the top of your head. He was taller than you when you were younger, but as you grew it became harder for him to do it. Sunrise reminded you of when you were a kid, back when you felt loved and comforted by the only person in the world who could make a crappy day into something less horrible. And now that person was gone.

A tear rolled down your cheek as you thought of your father's soft smile whenever he laughed, the one you'd never see or hear again. You felt a knot forming in your stomach while you tried to control your breathing. This wasn't the first day on the job you'd been expecting, this wasn't how you thought it was going down. Sure, having fun with a big robot wasn't either but at least it didn't make you feel so God damn horrible. And now that same animatronic was cradling you like a child, humming a soft tune as it tried calming you.

''It's okay Y/N..I'm here..''
He whispered and dried away your tear with one of his hands. For a hyperactive animatronic, he sure knew how to be gentle. You chuckled at how stupid your situation was. If anyone came in right now, you'd be declared the totally right fit for a day-care. No-one would be able to top this stupid childish display of yours, besides an actual child.

You looked up at Sun, a gentle smile on his face as he returned your gaze.
You felt your face heat up.
You had to get off right now.
The last thing you needed was to grow attached to a robot who worked with kids, even if he was the most comforting thing in the room right now. Just because it has a complex AI doesn't mean it has actual HUMAN feelings. It only does this because of programming, nothing else. It's not like it cares for you. Also, it's your co-worker, and that meant your relationship had to be professional.

You moved away from Sun, not noticing before now he had placed you in his lap. Even if it helped you calm down again, it was sort of embarrassing how he'd just tended to you like that. Even If he was the reason that you kind of lost it for a moment.

''You okay now?''
he asked. Despite his metal mask staying in an everlasting smile, his eyes hinted at that he was concerned. Great.

''Y-yeah, thanks..''
You mumbled and rubbed your eyes with both hands. Had it not been for the cap you were given by the company in the mail to wear when working, your eyes would've been assaulted even more than they already were by the bright light above you.
If just you could turn it off for a moment...

Sunrise looked at you for a while before pulling some things out of the box he'd brought. Paper, crayons, different colored pens, a pair of small plastic scissors, and lots and lots of glitter glue. You suppose normal glue would've been way too bland for a bunch of kids. Still.
You remember the many times your smaller cousins got glitter everywhere whenever they messed with the stuff, and now that stuff was combined with glue.
Sunrise offered you a smile as he pulled up a few more things before crossing his legs to sit down better.

You picked up a pencil, it was small but that didn't stop you from doodling up a storm. After a while, Sunrise poked your shoulder. He had moved over to sit closer to you, and was currently wearing a... crown made of paper?
Huh. Cute.
He held out a smaller crown towards you, but it unlike his, it was decorated with glued-on stars and fake gems. You looked up at him questionable.

''I, Sunrise, the king of Superstar Day-care, hereby crown you, Y/N, my royal monarch bestie!''
He exclaimed and put the crown on your head neatly. You couldn't help yourself but laugh light-heartedly.

''Thanks Sunny,'' you said. ''I really needed that.''

''No problem, bestie!!'' he grinned and pulled you in for a hug.



I know so far only Sunny has been present, but don't you worry-!
Moon will appear soon c:

Also Hope y'all who's been reading haven't found this too boring.
I know I tend to kind of focus on how M/C thinks or feels, but it's just so much easier that way for me to get into everything.
It also means in the long run, this story will be longer and contain a lot more. 
Hope that doesn't cause too much trouble hehe

Have a nice day/night :)

''Sunny days and Moonlit nights'' | ~Sunrise/Moondrop x Reader~  |Where stories live. Discover now