Chapter 1. ''a bit too much color''

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Cussing occurs in this chapter. 
You have been warned.

It was your first time on the job, and although you never really were one to like huge masses of people, perhaps it wasn't going to be this bad. After all, you were going to be working with kids, and in a day-care along an animatronic, nonetheless. Surely, this wasn't going to be THAT bad. Right?

You looked around the large open space before you, neon lights and bedazzled ads on large tv screens lit up the place as if you'd just stumbled into an 80s kid's memory. The floor beneath your feet shimmered and reflected your image, as if someone decided that yes, a giant ass mirror would be great as flooring. You chuckled at the thought of someone going out of their way to put mirrors down for aesthetics, only to have the entire floor crack as the first guests came storming through to hopefully spend their entire lifesavings on Freddy Fazbear™ merchandise, wasting a good massive mirror and dooming the pizza plex with 7 years of bad luck. Or maybe even more, given how big that kind of mirror would've been.

Shaking your head with a smirk on your face, you looked at the map a very persistent and quite frankly RUDE map-bot had given you. Scanning through it with your eyes you located the day-care location and began walking in its direction. As you walked, you decided that you might as well go over the instructions your boss had given you over email before you arrived. Opening it up you pondered why they wouldn't just tell you this in person, but you supposed that the boss simply just didn't have the time. Not that they had a lot to say it seemed, just something about remembering to meet up early and introducing yourself to your new co-worker in a polite manner. You assumed they referred to the animatronic.
''Since you'll both be working in close quarters and with kids, we expect you to be on your best behavior and to follow rules as they are given to you.''
As they are given to you? Now that you think about it, you really weren't told many rules in the interview when you got the job, other than not to cuss around the animatronic since it has a very complex and sensitive AI. Imagining a childish and friendly robot saying fuck because it didn't know what it meant was apparently hilarious to you because you couldn't keep from letting out a small chuckle as you neared the entrance to the day-care. 

The first thing you noticed as you entered through the double doors was a huge, gilded statue of what appeared to be a person with a sun for a head wearing a silly jester-like clown outfit. You remember seeing one of Freddy not long ago when you entered and seeing as you knew he was one of the main attractions of the plex, it was probably safe to say that THIS was you new co-worker. Albeit in a less lively form. 

Walking forward and further into the area, the number of bright colors and painted portraits of what assumable was the robot you'd be working with was just as unforgivable to your poor eyes as the ones outside the day-care. That was, of course, not much of a surprise given the place you were in, but you thought you'd at least get somewhat of a break from all the many impressions you were given already. Guess the place wouldn't be as welcoming for curious children if it was any less colorful. Nevertheless, it certainly didn't seem like they wasted a cent on anything here, even though the entire company was pretty well-known for doing just that. And with closer inspection, it did seem like even the statues was just painted hollow metal. Wait. Statues?

Walking closer to the one of the sun you see yet another massive statue right behind it, but it was different. The face of this particular robot was in the form of a crescent moon. It wore an outfit similar to that of its sun counterpart, but with small orbs on the end of its tutu, small puffy bands of cloth around where its arms connected with its shoulders and topped off with a sleeping hat that kind of looked like the one Santa would wear only a bit longer and less fluffy in the band around its forehead. Now that was something you weren't notified of. Two animatronics? And stylized after the day-night cycle? Thinking about it, it did kind of make sense in a weird way. If you have a weird sun-themed robot, why not go all the way, and get it a friend too. Except you weren't told of this 'friend' and were now righteously peeved about it. Either way, you supposed it wasn't so bad. Sure, now you had to introduce you to two whole ass animatronics, probably both with their own set of rules or way to interact with, but all the more fun right? Speaking of fun, you saw something that looked all mighty fun to do, something which you hadn't done in years. 

Right next to you, leading into the main area of the day-care was what looked like a slide, big enough you could fit a whole adult into it. 

A whole adult, around your size too you might add.

 Screw it.

You went down the slide, feeling a tingling in your stomach as it swirled and curved before you landed feet first into a big ball-pit. God damn, you hadn't seen one of these in years! And now you were laying in it after taking what was probably the kids' way of entering this place. 

But who cares! 

You're in a day-care, surrounded by ball-pit balls, about to meet your new co-workers who are big animatronics. At least you assumed they were big, seeing as how Freddy and gang were too. And right now, you were just kind of sitting there, taking in the first impressions of the day-care. You hadn't noticed it before, but there was some sort of goofy music playing. 

You know that kind of music that comes on when a certain cartoon character appears on screen, one who everyone associates with stupidity itself and even though the trend is overused the character is still somehow really enjoyable to watch? Yea, it was that kind of music. 

Speaking of which, you noticed what seemed to be the exact character that would fit this sort of music. The big robot with a sun for a head glanced at you, waved very overexaggerated and jumped from the balcony it had been standing on. 


The ball-pit.

You already knew something weird was bound to happen when you entered the doors and saw that statue of him. This was going to be a long first impression.

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