Chapter 6. ''Lost track of time''

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You awoke to the sound of a music box filling the room you were in with a soft tune. Pulling yourself up into a sitting position, you rubbed your eyes lazily and tried regaining visibility of where you were currently. Your surroundings had changed from the darkened day-care into a much smaller and much comfier space. The walls were decorated with children's drawings of the day-care attendant duo, all in different scenarios and poses, supporting an array of colors. Looking around some more, you noticed what looked like the balcony Sun had jumped off when you first saw him. Seems like you're in his and probably also Moon's room.
On one hand, you suppose it was sort of cute that the two animatronics kept all the drawings the kids gave them, instead of throwing them all away. On the other hand, the animatronics were also keeping you up here, and you had no idea why they brought you into this room in the first place.

You tried to get up, groaning as your muscles reluctantly got you up from the mattress you had been laying on. It wasn't exactly very comfortable to be on, and it most definitely didn't help that you were in the bedroom of two very big animatronics who were most certainly able to hurt you if they really wanted to. The aching pain in your arms were a clear sign of that, as you remembered back on what the slender lunar attendant had done to you the night prior.
You push aside the curtains to look out from the balcony, taking only a few steps out from the fear of falling over and straight into the ball-pit. Sunrise was able to do that just fine, but he was also made of metal, not of flesh and fragile bones that would break if you landed just slightly wrong. You felt a shudder travel up your spine as you took a step away from the edge.

Lights were still out, and you swore you saw something move in the darkness. Your heart skipped a beat when you saw the lanky figure staring at you from above the day-care. He was suspended in the air by a thick, black wire. A devilish smirk spreading across his face as he noticed you standing there, all by your lonesome and no-where to run off to. He did a motion as if he kicked off of something invisible in the air, pretending to push himself forward whilst doing a few frog-strokes as if swimming in the air. He did a little roll and landed gracefully on the balcony edge, right in front of you. The urge to just... push him off skyrocketed to the front of your mind. You could already feel yourself take a step forward to do it, to watch him just fall and break with impact.
Yea, ok, bad plan.
The thing is made for FLYING in the air, as if it'd ever let you even attempt to do such a thing. Also, you would be fired instantly for causing harm to the animatronics you were working with, that is, if he would've even let you escape from here alive after attempting to end him.

---POV shift; no one---

Moondrop crouched down to Y/N's height-level, his eyes never straying away from their face. He contemplated on what to do with the tiny human, scanning over them curiously. It was the first time in a long while since an adult was here, and even longer since a new worker was hired to work in Superstar Day-care. Ever since an accident with a human-staff involving both Sun and Moon, human workers had been seen less and less in the Day-care area. Even security only consisted of S.T.A.F.F. bots now, and it was only after the attendants' body-split that the two of them had gotten a chance to speak to someone who wasn't just a voice in their head.
Even so, their conversations were still limited. Sun refused to stay awake when lights were out, and Moon's systems still had the tendency to turn off when he was in a room with lights on for too long. He wished it wasn't so. At least before he and Sun could chat whenever they were alone, but now they were practically separated for good.
Moondrop didn't mind the absence of his louder brother much, but...
It did get sort of lonely.

Y/N had run away to hide from the huge animatronic when Moon came back to it. He had spaced out momentarily, something he had been known to do when thinking, and he hadn't noticed the human leave him. Surprisingly enough, despite the size of the room, there were a plethora of smaller hiding places in it. Sure, some of them would probably only fit a child comfortably but given Y/N's creativeness it didn't matter much. Now, not only did Moon have to apologize for his behavior from earlier - something he was only really doing because Sun had ordered him to, but he also had to find the new worker among the mount of plushies, creative supplies and smaller furniture. Moondrop had to almost lay down to look under them; he was simply way too tall otherwise.

''Sunny days and Moonlit nights'' | ~Sunrise/Moondrop x Reader~  |Where stories live. Discover now