Please Don't Do This! (mastermind Gundam X Hajime)

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Requested by rerewritesokstuff

Gundams pov

I chuckled to myself darkly. The funhouse motive was a roaring success! That little princess was so quick to kill off the robot. And what tears of Dispair the shark toothed one cried as he watched his friend and crush die on the one day. How delightful!

My thoughts were cut off when I heard a loud knock on the door. Feeling annoyed I stood up and answered the door.

Standing at the door was none other than hajime hinata.

"uhh gundam may I talk to you for a second?" he sounded nervous. It was so unlike the mostly sarcastic boy that I couldn't help but feel intrigued.

"of course dear mortal" I said inviting him in "Make yourself at home"

He nodded and took a seat on my bed. He was looking down at the floor nervously.

"ask your question mortal. I do not have all day" I said getting a little irritated by him.

He took a deep breath "gundam are you the mastermind?"

I was taken aback by his question before a wide grin spread across my face "very good hajime. Now tell me when did you figure it out?"

"at the funhouse" he muttered as sweat began to drip down his face "when sonia was executed you didn't seem upset dispite being so close to her. In fact you looked happy! I knew there was something wrong with you from that point"

I chuckled to myself "so what are you going to do about it hmm? Do you plan to kill me in my own home and end these killings once and for all?"I was tingling from excitement. This is exactly how I'd imagine it would end-

"no" hajime said shakingly "I'm here to ask you-no beg you to stop this sick killings"

I tilted my head at him "I see. So your not brave enough to pull the trigger-"

"that's not true!" he yelled "I couldn't kill anyone on this island given the right curcumstance but I can't kill you. You mean too much to me"

I was surprised by his words. In all my eighteen plus years of living I've never heard such kindness.

He took my hand with tears in his eyes "please gundam" he whimpered "please don't do this. I love you"

I sighed and wrapped my arms around him "I will for you my love"

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