Bullied (pregame Oumaki)

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Kokichis pov

I walked to school as my own anxiety formed a pit in my stomach. I was always scared to go to school. People always picked on me there. I was small so I couldn't stand up for myself and I didn't have any trusting adults to turn to. I just had to take whatever they threw at me and hope that they don't accidentally kill me!

My thoughts were cut off when I was roughly shoved to the ground. I squeezed my eyes shut. I didn't want to look. I was too scared to look.

"open your eyes runt!" I recognised that voice. I looked up to see kaito mamota staring down at me with a grin.

"that's better" he chuckled "now why don't we get started on your daily beating!"

I gulped as my body trembled. This is going to hurt!

He raised his fist to hit me. I prepared myself for the blow but instead of a smack to the jaw kaito got hit at the back of the head with a rock.

"ow what the hell!" he yelled. We looked around to see a girl from our school holding a bunch of rocks.

"and there's more where that came from if you don't leave that kid alone!" she yelled.

"alright maki I'm going I'm going!" kaito rubbed his head as he walked off.

"thank you" I muttered softly.

"no problem. I just hate seeing people get picked on for no reason" she smiled at me before wandering off.

I watched her as a slight blush appeared on my face. What a amazing woman!

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